Author: Um Ayesha
The Position of Women in Islam (Part 65)
Through studying and reviewing books, it becomes clear how Islam has granted women a high status and an elevated position. Such a status is rarely found in other religions and laws. Therefore, a Muslim sister must always be grateful for the blessings of her Lord and strive not to neglect or overlook them, as one of the most important duties of a Muslim is to offer advice and goodwill. Hence, in this section, which is among the concluding parts, I would like to share beneficial advice and valuable counsel with my Muslim sisters.
Beneficial Advice for Esteemed Sisters
– My sister:  Know that the only path to happiness and success in this world and the Hereafter is faith in Almighty Allah and adherence to the commands, obligations, and duties of the noble religion of Islam. True worldly and eternal happiness can only be achieved through obedience and submission to the Eternal Creator and the Honorable Messenger of Islam (peace be upon him).
– My sister:  Perform righteous deeds, for faith accompanied by good deeds is the primary investment for reaching the peak of happiness and prosperity in this world and the Hereafter. Good deeds are a source of salvation for humankind.
– My sister:  Avoid sin and disobedience. If you commit a mistake or falter, repent and turn back to Allah. Know that sin and disobedience are like a virus or deadly poison that distances a person from their Creator, disrupts their life, and turns it into a burning hell. Remember that for every deadly poison, there is an antidote, and the only antidote to sin and disobedience is repentance and returning to Allah.
– My sister: One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Muslim Ummah, which has made it a source of goodness and blessings for the world, is the obligation of enjoining good, forbidding evil, and inviting people to the true religion. How wonderful it would be if you also encouraged your sisters toward righteousness, guided them to the path of success and salvation, and warned them against evil deeds and straying into sin and misguidance.
– My sister: Give charity from your wealth and resources, as charity is one of the most important deeds that lead to success in this world and the Hereafter. It brings happiness and prosperity, saves individuals from hardships and disasters, and fosters love, compassion, and a sense of humanity among people. In the Hereafter, it ensures salvation and freedom from the burning fire of Hell.
– My sister: Always perform your prayers on time, for prayer establishes a connection between a servant and Allah, strengthens the soul, and brings peace of mind. It removes anxiety and provides resilience. Prayer is the greatest deterrent against sin and the strongest chain to bind the desires of the soul and the whispers of Satan.
– My dear sister: One of the most virtuous acts of worship is the night prayer (Tahajjud). If you seek goodness in this world and the Hereafter, commit to waking up early and performing Tahajjud. This prayer holds such great significance that the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) never abandoned it during his lifetime, whether traveling or at home.
– My sister: Avoid backbiting and train your soul to obey Allah and avoid both minor and major sins. Sadly, in today’s society, Muslim women often engage in backbiting when gathered in groups. This grave sin has become so normalized that people say, “Backbiting is the fruit of women’s gatherings.”
– My sister: Beware of suspicion, as it often leads to spying on others. This is why Allah, in His Book, forbids both suspicion and spying. If you adhere to the rulings of Sharia and resist the whispers of Satan, you will avoid such inappropriate actions and words.
– My sister: Stay away from gossiping, as it is one of the destructive diseases that darken the heart, ignite disputes, foster hatred, and fuel enmity. Unfortunately, gossiping has become a routine activity for many Muslim women today.
– My sister: Refrain from lying, as the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has described lying as a sign of hypocrisy. He also said, “A believer may have any trait, except treachery and lying.”
– My sister: Avoid gazing at non-mahrams (those unrelated men who are not permissible for marriage). One of the qualities of exemplary women is maintaining purity of sight and refraining from lustful and inappropriate looks at non-mahram.
– My sister: Abstain from mocking and ridiculing others, for this dangerous behavior can lead to disgrace on the Day of Judgment. The Quran prohibits mocking, as the person being mocked may be better than the one mocking them.
– My sister: Avoid grudges and resentment, for these are detestable habits. A Muslim must steer clear of enmity and animosity, as Islam encourages unity and brotherhood while warning against division and hostility.
– My sister: Avoid envy and unhealthy competition in worldly matters, as it leads to tension and discord in family life. Instead, compete in religious matters, as this will bring you closer to Allah and ensure His satisfaction.
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