Or they say: I will wear the hijab after a suitable young man comes to propose to me.
O Muslim sister, who is this suitable young man in your opinion? Does this young man like people to see his wife? Who comes to propose to you while you are mostly without the hijab?
Certainly, after he marries you and you observe the hijab, he will oppose this and fight you.
Do you prefer the pleasure of your husband over the pleasure of Allah Almighty?
Would you sell Paradise for a husband who does not follow Allah’s command regarding you?
Be aware that if a young man chooses you and you observe the hijab, this means tacit agreement to your wearing the hijab.
O sister! Remember, if you have built your married life on the basis of disobeying Allah, will this marriage be successful? And if this life is successful, do you want Allah Almighty to be angry with you?
Know that marriage is a gift from Allah and He gives it to whomever He wills. There are women who are veiled and married, and there are women who are not veiled and have not yet married.
Some women say: My husband or fiancé does not like me to wear the veil.
Will your husband or fiancé guarantee you entry into Paradise? Remember this saying of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “It is obligatory upon a Muslim to listen to the commands and obey the rulers whether he likes or dislikes unless he is commanded to commit a sin (against the Sharia), and if he is commanded to commit a sin, then no listening or obedience is obligatory upon him.”
Speak kindly to him and take him to someone who will convince him of the necessity of observing the hijab. Of course, if your suitor insists on his opinion, do not tie your future in this world and your end in the Hereafter to him; if he is disobedient to Allah, there is no good in him, and Allah is able to provide you with a better husband in his place.
If I wear the hijab, I will lose my job!
Yes, this will happen. If you lose your job, it is better for you than losing the pleasure of Allah. Do not forget that if you lose your job, your sustenance will not be cut off, and Allah will provide you with something better than this. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: «من التمس رضا الله بسخط الناس کفاه الله مؤنة الناس، ومن التمس رضا الناس بسخط الله وکله الله إلی الناس» Translation: “Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allah through the anger of people, Allah will suffice him with the provision of people, and whoever seeks the pleasure of people through the anger of Allah, Allah will punish him at the hands of people.”
Question: I naturally dislike the hijab. Is the hijab an obligation or a Sunnah?
Answer: Know, Muslim sister, that your dislike of the hijab will destroy your Islam because when you declared yourself to be a Muslim, you declared that you submit to all the commands of Allah the Almighty.
Wearing the hijab is an obligation that Allah Almighty has made obligatory in His Book, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has legislated it in his Sunnah, and Muslims have agreed that it is obligatory.
If you do not obey Him regarding the hijab, it is better to admit that you are weak in will and have no power over it and seek help from Allah Almighty in this matter. Allah Almighty is the best helper.
This is easier than not accepting Allah’s command and saying, “I am not satisfied with observing the hijab.” We are not obligated to be satisfied with the commands of Allah; rather, we are only obligated to obey. Allah Almighty says: «وما کان لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا قضی الله ورسوله أمرا أن یکون لهم الخیرة من أمرهم» “It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should have any option in their decision.” We should not be like those who say: We heard and disobeyed. And may Allah save us!
But the issue of whether the hijab is obligatory, or Sunnah is proven by the verses that are clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran. Allah the Almighty says: «ولا یبدین زینتهن إلا ما ظهر منها ولیضربن بخمرهن علی جیوبهن» “And they do not display their adornment except what is (naturally) apparent, and they let their chador and scarves hang over their heads.”
Some girls who do not wear the hijab say: I do not like the hijab because some veiled women behave indecently!
Unfortunately, this is a reality. Of course, there are women who guard the five daily prayers and also commit obscene acts. There are also those who go to Hajj while hiding themselves in the cover of Hajj to do other things. Should we abandon our prayers, fasting, and Hajj because of such sinful people? Whereas Allah Almighty says: «ولا تزروا وازرة وزر أخری» “No one will bear the burden of another’s sin (and will not be punished for another’s crime).” Each of us will be held accountable according to our own deeds, not the deeds of others.