Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Allama Sayyed Abul Hasan Nadwi ‘May Allah have mercy on him’ (Part 52)
A great man in the field of Da’wah (invitation) and reformation
Who is the Real Inviter to Islam?
Imam Nadwi believes that a true inviter to Islam should not be indifferent to society or ignorant and isolated from situations, facts, and plans. The inviter must understand the Da’wah, possess a deep and steadfast awakening of faith, and be aware of the conditions of Islam and Muslims. They should understand the society in which they live, feel the realities of life, and have sufficient knowledge of new movements and parties, as well as be aware of negative, unjust, and destructive thoughts considering the chaotic situation of the Islamic world.
Moreover, the inviter should be able to identify the needs, problems, crises, and complexities of society, and establish their precise position within it. They must also know their audience, gauge their level of understanding, and recognize the time and place in which they are preaching this divine Da’wah.
Imam Nadwi himself entered the field of Islamic Da’wah with this commitment. With his in-depth knowledge of the conditions facing the Islamic world, he achieved significant success. His writings are rich with themes of reform, guidance, and calling the nation, and he pursued this noble cause in every endeavor. For instance, Maulana participated in the significant Islamic Da’wah seminar in Safar 1408 AH in Makkah, presenting valuable solutions for Islamic Da’wah. Many prominent Islamic thinkers urged that these solutions be endorsed by the seminar and disseminated throughout the Islamic world.
Dr. Mohammad Ajtaba Nadwi writes:
“This article had a profound impact on the listeners of the seminar, and when it was published, it was well received across various levels of science, religion, and Da’wah. It was regarded as a practical solution for Islamic Da’wah in the current era.”
Speaking, delivering sermons, writing articles and books, and conducting interviews and discussions in the realm of Islamic Da’wah are seemingly easy tasks. Anyone can engage with this important issue by quickly reviewing the works of prominent inviters. However, the critical question remains: What will be truly fruitful and beneficial? What kind of sermon stirs the listeners and compels them to take action? Which book revives the spirit of religious zeal and inspires a deep sense of religious compassion?
Many professional speakers pursue no goal other than the waste of their own time and that of others, yielding nothing but fatigue. Similarly, there are books that fail to instill any religious motivation or faith in the reader. Amidst this landscape, Imam Nadwi stands out as one of the most influential and sincere inviters of our time. He understood what he was saying, why he was saying it, and with whom he was engaged in conversation. First, he understood himself; then he understood society; and ultimately, he recognized the heavy responsibility he bore. With this foundation, he was able to construct the edifice of Islamic Da’wah with increasing success.