The issue of hijab, women’s covering, and preserving the chastity of both men and women is of particular importance in Islam. Women are embodiments of beauty and elegance, and the All-Wise Allah, who has bestowed the gift of beauty and the charm of speech and behavior upon the female community, has also devised a plan to protect that wonderful divine gift. Sometimes, some Muslim sisters have questions about hijab. They should seek answers from Islamic scholars and thinkers. In this part, we aim to address the questions they have regarding hijab.
Questions about Hijab
These questions sometimes arise for some sisters or may be obstacles they create themselves to justify abandoning hijab with false excuses and pretexts. These uninformed sisters should realize that Islam did not come to burden its followers or demand something beyond their capacity. We will discuss these questions in detail below.
Question: Does the hijab delay my movement (prevent my movement)?
Answer: Remember that the mothers of the Believers and the Sahaba of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them, moved with complete freedom. They went to jihad with the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. They treated the sick and engaged in all kinds of activities in life; the hijab did not prevent them from moving. Therefore, there is no issue with hijab. Look at your sisters who are doctors, teachers, and students; they live their daily lives with hijab without facing the problems you describe.
Question: I am afraid that I will lose my beauty after wearing the hijab!
Answer: Do not think that Islam requires you to wear old clothes or to look unattractive. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself was a clean person who advocated cleanliness, and Islam calls for wearing clean and decent clothes.
Consider the words of Laura Fabian, one of the most famous French models of women’s clothing. After Allah guided her to Islam, she said: “If it were not for the grace and mercy of Allah upon me, my life would have been wasted in a world where man is on the verge of animalism… A man whose only strength is to fulfill desires, without adhering to values and principles.” She made this statement while wearing the decent dress of the hijab, a dress that no young girl could even dream of. She experienced wearing fashionable clothes that every woman wished to wear, yet understood that all of them were nothing more than a deceptive illusion and that all people must eventually stand before Allah for accountability.
Question: It is still too early for me to wear hijab because I am young!
Answer: O Muslim sister, you know that young girls are more deserving of wearing beautiful clothes than middle-aged or elderly women. However, I do not believe you subscribe to the belief that the ancients, on the pretext of allowing girls to enjoy their youth, permitted them to wear beautiful clothes while reserving hijab for the elderly.
Look at the tombstones of the deceased; perhaps they were young individuals whose lives ended suddenly. Did they believe that the angel of death only visits the elderly? Certainly, each day that passes brings you closer to the Hereafter and further away from this world. What provisions have you made for after your death?!
Some sisters say, “The weather in our city is hot, and I cannot stand the heat. What will it be like when I wear the hijab?”
When your city has this type of weather, do you know what it was like in holy Makkah and the entire Arabian Peninsula before air conditioning?
Did Muslim women in the early days of Islam hesitate to wear the hijab because of this excuse? Did they ever cast aside their hijab due to such reasoning? Did their tents keep the heat away from them? Never; they accepted His commands wholeheartedly because of their love for Allah and their faith in His essence.
To the sisters who say that the weather in our city is hot, let them remember that the heat of their city will never compare to the heat of the Fire of Hell.
As Allah Almighty says: «قل نار جهنم أشد حرا لو کانوا یفقهون» Translation: “Say: The fire of Hell is hotter and more burning (than the heat of summer and all the fires in the world) if they only knew.”
Some girls who do not wear hijab claim that it will ruin their chances of getting married. This is completely false, as many veiled girls marry before their non-veiled counterparts because men appreciate a woman who is modest and concealed from view.