Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Allama Sayyed Abul Hasan Nadwi ‘May Allah have mercy on him’ (Part 47)
A great man in the field of Da’wah (invitation) and reformation
Tears of dawn
Hazrat Allama Nadwi did not limit himself to calling; he carefully and curiously examined all ways of reform and tried to reach the true goal. He spent his days with Da’wah (inviting) and refreshed his nights with the tears of the dawn. Yes, it was the profound pain and deep thoughts regarding the Ummah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that made his heart restless and transformed him from within. For this reason, he spent his nights thinking about this Ummah and praying for them and seeking forgiveness. (No matter how much a person thinks and strives for the reform of the Ummah and their welfare and salvation, Allah Almighty will grant him a corresponding amount of honor and rank. This is a certain principle: “Gifts will be valued according to the effort put forth.”)
Bilal Abdulhai Hassani Nadwi writes:
It was said about the great ancestor of Hazrat Mawlana, Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), that he was so restless in the darkness of the night, it was as if he had been bitten by a snake. This statement is also true for Hazrat Mawlana, who found no peace during the day or at night; indeed, this restlessness was a legacy of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Hazrat Allama Nadwi gleaned considerable benefits from the character of the Prophet and extracted precious jewels from the depths of the sea of his character. He reached the fundamental realization that one of the prominent and important aspects of the calling of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is to possess kindness, compassion, wisdom, prayer, and affirmation. The Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) endured many difficulties in this regard, devoting his days to calling and his nights to seeking forgiveness. He understood that the impact of actions is greater than the impact of words, and Hazrat Allama Nadwi also emphasized the importance of both aspects.
Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes:
The true inviter is one whose actions have a more profound effect than his words. Therefore, the language of action is more eloquent, and its impact is more suitable and powerful than that of mere speech. As it is said: “(The actions of one man among a thousand are more eloquent and effective than the speeches of a thousand men to one man.)” Their actions should align with their words, and their character should be consistent with their Da’wah.