Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
The Scholarly Biography of Imam Tirmidhi ‘May Allah Have Mercy on Him’ (Part 9)
The Method of Imam Tirmidhi in Criticism and Authentication of Narrators
Hadith scholars use specific terms to describe the status of narrators, indicating whether their narrations are acceptable. These terms, known as Jarh wa Ta’dil (criticism and authentication), include commendatory titles for reliable narrators and disparaging terms for those deemed unreliable. Imam Tirmidhi, as one of the prominent figures in Hadith scholarship, employed a unique methodology in this regard in his book Jami’ Tirmidhi:
A. Terms of Authentication
Imam Tirmidhi used phrases such as:
-هو صدوق (he is truthful)
– مقارب الحدیث (moderate in narration)
– ثقة (trustworthy)
– حافظ عند أهل الحدیث (preserver according to Hadith scholars)
– هو عندی ثقة (he is trustworthy in my opinion)
– لم یر بحدیثه بأساً (no fault was found in his narrations)
– اثبت منه (more reliable than him)
– مأمون فی الحدیث (trusted in narrations)
In the chapter on Mafatih al-Salat al-Tuhur, he states:
«عبدالله بن محمد بن عقیل هو صدوق وقد تکلم فیه بعض أهل العلم من قبل حفظه؛ وسمعت محمد بن إسماعیل یقول: کان أحمد بن حنبل وإسحاق بن إبراهیم والحمیدی یحتجون بحدیث عبدالله بن محمد بن عقیل. قال محمد وهو مقارب الحدیث» Translation: “Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Aqil is a truthful person. Although some scholars have criticized his memory, Imam Tirmidhi narrates that Imam Bukhari heard from his teachers, such as Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ishaq ibn Ibrahim, and Al-Humaydi, that they considered the narrations of Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Aqil as valid evidence.”
In the chapter on Al-Madmada wa Al-Istinshaq Min Kaff Wahid, he states: «إنما ذکره خالد بن عبدالله وخالد ثقة، حافظ عند أهل الحدیث» Translation: “This was narrated by Khalid ibn Abdullah, who is trustworthy and a preserver according to the scholars of Hadith.”
In the chapter on Al-Ta’jil bi Al-Dhuhr, regarding Hakim ibn Jubayr, he says: «قال یحیی: وروی له سفیان وزائدة ولم یر یحیی بحدیثه بأساً» Translation: “Yahya said that Sufyan and Zaidah narrated from Hakim ibn Jubayr, and Yahya considered his narration faultless.”
He describes Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Mawali as a reliable and trustworthy Medinan sheikh, whose narrations were transmitted by Sufyan and other scholars.
In the chapter on Fi Al-Rak’atayn Iza Ja’a Al-Rajul wa Al-Imam Yakhtub, Imam Tirmidhi states: «قال ابن عیینه: کان محمد بن عجلان ثقة مأموناً فی الحدیث» Translation: “Ibn Uyaynah said: Muhammad ibn Ajlan was trustworthy and reliable in Hadith.”
In the chapter on Fi Karahiyat Al-Buzzaq fi Al-Masjid, he mentions: «وقال عبدالرحمن بن مهدی: اثبت اهل الکوفة منصور بن المعتمر» Translation: “Abdurrahman ibn Mahdi said that the most reliable person in Kufa is Mansur ibn Al-Mu’tamir.”
B. Terms of Criticism
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Imam Tirmidhi used various terms in Jami’ Tirmidhi to criticize narrators, including:
-ضعیف عند اهل الحدیث (weak according to Hadith scholars)
– لیس اسناده بذاک القائم (its chain is not strong)
– کثیر الغلط (frequently errs)
– منکر الحدیث (denier of Hadith)
– لیس بالقوی عند اصحابنا (not strong according to our companions)
– مجهول عند اهل الحدیث (unknown to Hadith scholars)
– ضعّفه من قبل حفظه فی الحدیث (weakened due to his memory in narrations)
– قد تکلم فیه من قبل حفظه (criticized for his memory)
– هو غیر محفوظ (unpreserved)
– ضعیف ولیس بالحافظ (weak and not a preserver)
– ترکه(he was abandoned)
– وفی اسناده مقال (its chain has issues)
– ذاهب الحدیث عند اصحابنا (his narrations are invalid according to our companions)
In the chapter on Al-Nahi ‘An Al-Bawl Qa’iman, he states: «عبدالکریم بن ابی المخارق وهو ضعیف عند اهل الحدیث. ضعّفه ایوب السختیانی» Translation: “Abdul Karim ibn Abi Al-Mukhariq is considered weak according to the scholars of Hadith. Ayyub Al-Sakhtiyani considered him weak.”
In the chapter on Ma Ja’a Anna Al-Adhanayn Min Al-Ra’s, he remarks: «قال ابوعیسی هذا حدیث لیس اسناده بذاک القائم.» Translation: “Abu Isa said: This hadith does not have a strong chain.”
In the chapter on Ma Ja’a Fi Al-Wudu’ Thalatha Thalatha, he notes: «شریک کثیر الغلط» Translation: “Sharik frequently makes mistakes.”
In the chapter on Fi Al-Nadhh Ba’d Al-Wudu’, he states: «سفیان بن علی الهاشمی منکر الحدیث» Translation: “Sufyan ibn Ali Al-Hashimi is a denier of Hadith.”
In the chapter on Karahiyat Al-Israf fi Al-Wudu’, he mentions: «وخارجة لیس بالقوی عند اصحابنا» Translation: “And Khurja is not considered strong among our companions.”
In the chapter on Al-Wudu’ bi Al-Nabidh, he remarks: «وابوزید رجل مجهول عند اهل الحدیث.» Translation: “Abu Zaid is an unknown man among the scholars of Hadith.”