Author: AbdulHai Lian
Satanism (Part 22)
Causes of the Spread of Satanism
With the proliferation of Satanism across the globe and its connection to rising crimes in various domains, as well as the multidimensional threats it poses to societal security—physically, morally (murder, rape, desecration, promotion of music, etc.), psychologically, and hygienically (drug use and alcohol consumption)—along with ritualistic and educational aspects (blasphemy, atheism, mockery of religion, etc.)—it becomes essential to investigate the causes behind the inclination towards Satanism, its recruitment methods, and the formation of Satanic groups in society. To draw better conclusions, we will analyze the causes of the spread of Satanism in two parts:
1. Causes of the Spread of Satanism in Non-Islamic Countries
Non-Islamic countries, in general, and Western countries, in particular, have provided fertile ground for the emergence and spread of Satanic groups and ideologies. The contributing factors can be summarized as follows:
1.1. The Holy Scriptures
The majority of Western societies consist of Christians, with a smaller population of Jews. People of the Book consider the Old Testament (Torah) and the New Testament (Gospel) sacred and derive their beliefs from these scriptures. However, Satan’s role in these texts is often depicted with a sense of praise. For instance, in the Old Testament, Satan is described as an angel who invites Adam to the Tree of Knowledge. This has led some to regard Satan as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge and a guide for humanity toward enlightenment.
These baseless beliefs gradually found full expression in Western literature, evolving into a doctrine and ideology that laid the foundation for the “Satanic ideology” in the West. Thus, Satan was introduced as a symbol of intellect and awareness, attracting followers over time.
1.2. Corruption of the Clergy
The corruption of church officials and their institutions is so widespread that even insiders have acknowledged it today. According to research presented in Mazhab Fikriya Mu‘asire (Contemporary Intellectual Doctrines), there was a time when church authorities wielded such dominance over people that they did not hesitate to commit any form of injustice in the name of religion. Examples include exorbitant taxes, opposition to science and modern theories, selling indulgences for forgiveness of sins, altering the Gospel, and widespread moral corruption. One of the darkest acts associated with the clergy was the establishment of the Inquisition courts. Historical records indicate that 300,000 people were tried in these courts, of which 32,000 were burned alive.
These horrific actions and the moral and economic corruption of the clergy caused people to flee from the church, religion, and anything associated with faith. As a result, society gradually accepted non-religious ideologies to fill the void, leading some to embrace Satanism.
1.3. Rise of Atheism and Permissiveness
A major consequence of the clergy’s corruption was the spread of atheism and deviant ideologies in Western society. This atheism and deviation led to a culture of permissiveness. Such ideologies, influenced by the philosophies of Nietzsche, Russell, Freud, and others, became widespread and characteristic of Western society. This environment facilitated the growth of Satanism, as atheism, irreligion, and permissiveness are core principles of Satanic movements.
1.4. Influence of Jewish Ideologies
The greatest commonality between Judaism and Satanism lies in their hostility toward Christianity. Through “Paul the Jew,” Jews managed to introduce certain superstitions as Christian beliefs, such as polytheism, the Trinity, the doctrine of the cross, and the universality of Christ’s religion, along with Eucharist, baptism, etc.
Promoting atheism and irreligion has historically been a central policy of Jews. In modern times, spreading atheistic ideas and irreligion is a systematic part of their strategy. For example, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion includes passages like: “From a young age, non-Jews are corrupted and rendered immoral by our agents. Using women, we lead non-Jewish men into moral corruption through places of vice and debauchery, diverting them from chastity and purity. Notice how we successfully promoted Darwinism, Marxism, and Nietzscheanism.”
The Freemasonry organization, a secretive atheistic movement, is controlled by Jews and focuses on promoting corruption, permissiveness, and atheism. Its objectives align closely with Satanic ideologies, leading some to believe that Satanism is essentially a branch of the global Freemasonry movement. Notably, the first Satanic Church was founded by Anton LaVey, who was of Jewish origin.
1.5. Lack of Spirituality
The absence of faith and spirituality creates a void within individuals. One of the reasons for the spread of Satanism in non-Islamic countries, in addition to the aforementioned factors, is the emphasis on secular, non-spiritual values. By focusing on instrumental reason, humanity sidelines spiritual and religious values. This challenge becomes more pronounced among youth, who often turn to deviant ideologies like Satanism to fill the existing void.
1.6. Witchcraft
In the late Middle Ages, the rise of witchcraft and the extraordinary influence of witches in European courts laid the groundwork for modern Satanism. During this period, witches formed groups known as “Sabbats,” openly opposing Christianity and admitting to alliances with Satan and demons.
The Church strongly opposed witches, but its excessive actions against suspected witches led to the spread of witchcraft, culminating in the promotion of Satanic beliefs.
1.7. Emphasis on Humanism
The effort to replace God-centered ideologies with humanism and empirical approaches contributed to the rise of Satanism. Prioritizing human desires and pleasures is only possible through man-made religions, and Satanism has emerged as one of the most effective paths toward this goal.
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