Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Allama Sayyed Abul Hasan Nadwi, may Allah have mercy on him (Part 37)
Spiritual Ups and Downs of Allamah Nadwi’s Life
On the Scale of Moderation
Moderation and balance are desirable and good qualities that prevent a person from following the paths of excess and excess and stepping on the path of misguidance. Moderation is a precious phenomenon that guides a person to the destination, especially in the Islamic law. Many individuals and thinkers who are great and honourable have slipped from the straight path and the smooth path of the law or have fallen into excess or have fallen into the depths of excess. Imam Nadwi, may God have mercy on him, with his deep insight and lofty thoughts, has digested the correct standards and valuable criteria of the law and has never violated them in this position. Rather, he weighs every word, deed and matter with the scale of pure law and puts it into practice.
He was always thinking about the problems of the Islamic world in terms of technology and industry and its needs, and his motto and that of his associates was that we should choose a mixture of the good old and the beneficial new; we should neither ignore the old nor submit ourselves hand and foot to the new. Considering this fundamental principle, if he preached in religious schools, he would talk about the new era and the needs of the Islamic society, and if he went to public schools, he would emphasize the necessity of faith and devotion and the practice of divine and Islamic laws. Therefore, he can be considered a component of the old and the new in a very beautiful way.
Hazrat Sheikh-Ul-Islam Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani writes: Rumi’s Arabic and Urdu works are so faith-inspiring, thought-provoking and informative that, in addition to filling the heart with faith and certainty, they also clarify the true nature and truth of religion for man, saving man from excesses and excesses and placing him on the straight path – which is one of the advantages of our religion.
Bilal Abdul Hai Hasani writes: Despite the breadth of his thought and thought, one of his outstanding characteristics was that he was completely on the straight path and did not deviate even a little by following the method of his predecessors. By respecting the times and circumstances, he presented religion in its fundamental structure in such a way that complete confidence was achieved in its eternity and truthfulness, and this idea was so widespread and fundamental that its effect was felt throughout the Islamic world.
Elsewhere he writes: Moderation, nature and sound taste were among the outstanding characteristics of Hazrat Rumi, which are evident from his thoughts and theories to his sermons and writings in invitation and movement and even in every individual and social action he took. Due to this intellectual balance of Rumi, may God have mercy on him, many intellectual movements and parties used Rumi in this field, and the distinguished thinkers of the Arab world also acknowledged his intellectual moderation and balance. He did not like excessive intensity in his speeches, he used words carefully and kept the main purpose in mind; in his writing, he avoided using synonyms unnecessarily and used words according to their heat and coldness, according to necessity. As a result, his entire life expressed.