Author: M. Farahi Tujegi
A Study on the Role of the Media and Its Effects on the Identity of Muslims (Part 58)
Strategies for Protection from Cultural Invasion Damage
There are various strategies to protect against cultural invasion damage and its destructive consequences, some of the most important of which are:
A: Strengthening Beliefs and Convictions
One of the most crucial strategies for protection against cultural invasion damage is strengthening beliefs and convictions. As previously mentioned, beliefs and convictions are the most important pillars of culture; in fact, they constitute the true identity of humans and play a significant role in guiding actions and behavior. That is why the primary target of cultural invaders is to undermine beliefs and values. To protect against cultural invasion damage and preserve these beliefs, it is essential to strengthen them so that they are fortified against such incursions.
Ways to Strengthen Beliefs and Convictions:
Just as the roots of a tree must be well established to produce healthy crops and fruits, the stronger true faith and convictions are, the better they can protect us against foreign cultural influences and strengthen our cultural security system. True faith leads us to genuine happiness because faith exists in degrees; while some believers have weaker faith, others possess stronger faith. The extent to which faith is fortified will manifest in our actions; correspondingly, a stronger faith will provide greater immunity to cultural attacks. Some factors that can help strengthen true faith and convictions include:
1. Remembrance of Allah (s.w.t): One of the most effective ways to strengthen faith is through the remembrance of God. Remembering Allah renews our faith and solidifies our true beliefs, enabling individuals to attain genuine peace.
The Holy Qur’an states: «الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُمْ بذكر الله؛ ألا بذكر الله تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ» “The believers are those who, when His verses are recited to them, increase in faith, and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah. Know that only in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” (Ar-Ra’d: 28)
This verse affirms that remembering Allah strengthens true beliefs, leading to peace and a sense of security.
2. Familiarity with the Holy Qur’an: Gaining familiarity with the Holy Qur’an and contemplating its illuminating verses also strengthens faith. Reading the Qur’an carries many effects and blessings, one of which is the enhancement of faith. Allah says regarding the characteristics of believers: «وَ إِذا تُلِيَتْ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتُهُ زادَتْهُمْ إيماناً» “The believers are those who, when His verses are recited to them, increase in faith.” (Anfal: 2)
Recognition and contemplation of the Holy Qur’an illuminate the heart, further strengthening faith and protecting individuals from temptations and deviations. The Qur’an serves as a divine rope—acknowledging, contemplating, and acting upon it elevates individuals to the ranks of the righteous.
3. Preaching and Advice: Listening to preaching and advice and acting upon them also strengthens faith. Preaching serves as a reminder that dispels heedlessness and nurtures the roots of faith. In this regard, the Holy Qur’an states: «وَ لَوْ أَنَّهُمْ فَعَلُوا ما يُوعَظُونَ به لَكَانَ خَيْراً لَهُمْ وَ أَشَدَّ تَثْبيتاً» “And if they had acted upon what they were advised, it would have been better for them and would have strengthened their faith.” (An-Nisa’: 66)
This verse indicates that merely hearing a sermon may have limited impact; however, when a sermon is accompanied by action, it significantly reinforces true beliefs.
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