Author: Abdul Hameed Nowrozi
Responsibility and Duty Awareness in Islam (Part 6)
The Responsibility of Man Towards His Relatives
A man is responsible for the rights of his relatives, including brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and their children. He must maintain kinship relations by providing material support to them in times of need. Neglecting this important duty makes him accountable before Allah. Allah (s.w.t) states: «وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءَلُونَ بِهِ وَالْأَرْحَامَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا» “And beware of Allah in whose (name) you call one another and beware of (severing) the ties of kinship.”
It is stated in a hadith that “kinship is attached to the Heaven of Allah and says: Whoever maintains ties with me, Allah maintains ties with him, and whoever severs me, Allah will sever him [from His mercy].” Additionally, it is narrated that “the person who maintains the ties of kinship is not the one who merely reciprocates the kindness shown to him; rather, the one who maintains the ties of kinship is the one who continues to uphold the relationship even when others have broken it.”
Responsibility of Servants and Workers
The responsibility of a worker entrusted with duties outside the home entails being diligent and performing tasks to the best of his abilities. He must complete the work correctly and thoroughly, avoiding negligence, as he is accountable before Allah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) states: “Allah (s.w.t) wants that whenever one of you does something, he should do it completely and correctly.” This means that he should treat his work with care and respect, as if it were for himself, and not falter in his duties.
The Responsibility of Scholars Towards Others
A scholar, bestowed with the gift of knowledge, carries a significant responsibility. If he fails to fulfill his duties, he will be among the first questioned about his knowledge on the Day of Resurrection. It is obligatory for him to impart religious knowledge to the ignorant, advise rulers and officials to perform their duties efficiently, and avoid oppression and tyranny. A scholar must serve as a role model in good deeds, uphold congregational prayers, act humbly upon his knowledge, and be an exemplary figure for others. He should adhere to halal (permissible) practices, be content with his means, and steer clear of the greed and materialism that have led many to destruction. If the scholar embodies these principles, he will serve as a positive example; if not, he risks becoming a negative one.
Moreover, it is incumbent upon him to enjoin good and forbid evil, remaining undeterred by criticism from others regarding his Sharia duties. He should disseminate the knowledge that Allah has granted him, as he is accountable before Allah for all the wisdom he imparts. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) warns: “Whoever seeks knowledge for the sake of competing with scholars or arguing with the ignorant, Allah will lead him to the Fire of Hell.”
Responsibility of the Imam of the Mosque
In Islam, the imam of the mosque holds significant dignity and responsibility. The reward for a prayer performed behind the imam is 27 times greater than that of a prayer performed at home, highlighting the imam’s esteemed position. Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) stated: “Through the imam and scholars of religion, people come to know Allah, worship Him, remember Him, and also learn the rulings of Sharia, including halal and haram.”
The imam is accountable for leading the prayers of the congregation. He should ensure that he performs ablutions properly and conducts the standing, bowing, and prostration parts of the prayer accurately to avoid being held responsible for the followers’ prayers on the Day of Judgment. The imam must clarify Islamic rulings and issues for the people and respond to questions knowledgeably. If he is uncertain of an answer, he should investigate before responding to avoid any errors.
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