Author: Abdul Hai Layan
Social space and Observing Marital Rights (Part Three)
2. Afsha (Disclosure)
The word “Afsha” is another central term in this study, which will be examined in detail to further explain its lexical and idiomatic aspects, as well as its intended meaning in this article.
a) In the lexicon
Ibn Manzur, the author of the book Lisan al-Arab, has defined the word “afsha” as “to reveal.” He believes that this word is used in the same sense in all cases, for example: “afsha al-sir.” The author of Mu’jam al-Maqayyis al-Lugha, in the lexical definition of this word, states that “Afsha” means the revealing of something. Therefore, it can be said that the lexical meaning of “Afsha” is to declare, reveal, appear, and expose something.
b) In terminology
Arab lexicographers have different opinions on the idiomatic use of “Afsha.” Some have defined it as the act of revealing something at various times and places. Others suggest that disclosure means revealing a secret and letting others know about it by any means possible. However, some believe that the term ‘disclosure’ is also used idiomatically with the same literal meaning.
By considering the definitions mentioned, it becomes clear that the use of this word in idioms almost implies the same meaning. The present study is inclined to this view.
Marital Secrets from the Quranic Perspective 
Allah Almighty has stated in numerous verses the boundaries of family relationships, especially the nature of the relationship between husband and wife in their shared lives and the matters that both must observe.
1.3. Characteristics of a Righteous Wife
Among the chosen women in the Quran are those who keep the secrets of marriage. God Almighty enumerates these worthy characteristics in Surah An-Nisa as follows: «… فَالصَّالِحَاتُ قَانِتَاتٌ حَافِظَاتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ…» Translation: “And righteous women are those who are modest and guard (their husbands’) secrets and rights in their absence.” This verse, in describing righteous women, clarifies that they are the guardians of the “unseen.” But what is the meaning of “حَافِظَاتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ”? And how can we derive the dislike of sharing marital affairs from it? To explain this matter, we will examine the views of esteemed commentators.
After examining the interpretation of this verse, Allamah Nasafi Hanafi points out a subtle point about the righteousness of women and states: «فَالصَّالِحَاتُ قَانِتَاتٌ حَافِظَاتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ أی: النِّساءُ الموصوفاتُ بالصَّلاح هُنَّ المطیعاتُ لله تعالی، والرَّاعیاتُ حقوق الأزواج فی غیبتِهم، فیحفظنَ أنفسهنَّ عنِ الغیرِ، ویحفظنَ أموالَ الأزواجِ أیضاً، ودلَّ علی أنَّ الصَّلاح هو أداءُ حقِّ الله تعالی وحقِّ الخلق.» Translation: Righteous women are obedient to Allah, and in the absence of their husbands, they observe their rights and protect themselves from others, as well as being guardians of their husbands’ property. From this verse, we conclude that a woman’s righteousness is tied to fulfilling two rights: 1. The right of Allah and 2. The right of the servant of Allah (the husband).
Therefore, a righteous wife is a woman who fulfills both rights and acts with foresight regarding both. In other words, a woman who presents and shares her body parts in public is not a righteous wife.
Allama Alusi Hanafi, in his valuable commentary on Ruh al-Ma’ani, explains: «حَافِظَاتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ» می‌فرماید: «أی: یَحفَظنَ أنفُسَهُنَّ وفُرُوجَهُنَّ فِی حالة غَیبَةِ أزواجهنَّ.» Translation: Women who guard themselves and their private parts (from committing indecent acts) in the absence of their husbands.
Allama Shawkani writes in his commentary on this divine saying: «حَافِظَاتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ أی: لِما یَجبُ حِفظُهُ عِندَ غَیبة أزواجِهِنَّ عَنهُنَّ مِن حِفظِ نُفُوسِهِنَّ وحِفظِ أموالِهم.» Translation: Women who take care of their own lives and their property in the absence of their husbands.
«حَافِظَاتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ أی: تَحفَظُ زَوجَها فِی غَیبَته فِی نَفسِها ومَالِهِ.» Translation: A woman who protects herself and her husband’s property in his absence.
Undoubtedly, all these interpretations stem from the phrase «حَافِظَاتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ» This indicates the inclusion of self-preservation and self-respect, as well as the protection of the husband’s property, secrets, and dignity, within the circle of necessity and duty.
With this understanding, the protection of women, whether they are currently married or will marry in the future, involves safeguarding their own selves and their husband’s property, which includes all their unusual possessions and their exposure to their husband’s reputation. Since sharing or “posting” marital relations is a clear example of revealing the whole body or part of it (such as hands, feet, eyes, etc.), it can be stated with certainty that preserving the secrets of both parties is one of the most prominent signs of a good wife, while revealing these secrets constitutes a betrayal of rights, honor, and dignity, indicating the woman’s disobedience and the corruption of both partners.
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