Author: Abdul Hai Lian
Satanism (Part 14)
5.1. The Day of Judgement (Qayamat) in Satanic Thought
Belief in the Hereafter, including the reckoning, the Day of Judgement, punishment and reward, heaven and hell, is one of the most important topics in the belief systems of heavenly religions. The existence of another world for reckoning is a requirement of divine wisdom and perfect justice. This belief plays a significant role in creating a deterrent motive in humans and always pushes the individual towards good deeds. However, belief in the Hereafter and its possibility are among the things that a group of people have always denied throughout history and have used its claim as a reason to mock divine prophets. Satanists, continuing this trend, have denied religious beliefs and the Day of Judgement and have given this belief other forms.
A) Denial of The Day of Judgement
Satanists believe that there is no afterlife and that all human affairs will be examined only in this world. Happiness and unhappiness end with the end of this world. Whoever does evil will see its consequences in this world, and good deeds will be rewarded in this world. The Satanic Bible states that there is no hell that burns the guilty.
They say about the day of Judgement and the reckoning: “Life is immersion in pleasures, and death is deprivation and refusal of these pleasures. So, seize the opportunity right now. Punishment and reward are what we encounter in this worldly life. This life is ours and at our disposal. So, grasp this life and these moments. This life has no escape or alternative.” This belief is depicted by “Maria Mardina,” who holds the rank of “Great Evil” in the Satanic Temple, as follows: “What is close to and consistent with human nature is accepting criticism of life and doubting the hereafter. Life means seeking pleasures and using the desires of the soul. Therefore, one should never deprive oneself of the pleasures of this world in the hope of another world.”
The above documents clearly show that Satanists do not believe in the Hereafter. This group considers all life to be exclusive to this world and emphasizes that pleasure should be sought as much as possible.
This disbelief in the Hereafter has caused their boundless arrogance and unbridled Ness; because the lack of belief in the Hereafter, the Book of Account, Heaven and Hell, places man on the precipice of transgression and violation of all rights.
B) Reincarnation of Souls
Followers of this belief believe that the human soul remains in this world after death and is transferred from the first body to the body of another being (human or animal). They refer to this process as “spirit travel” or “rebirth.” Undoubtedly, this belief is a false and irreligious belief.
A group of Satanists believe in a kind of “life after death.” This group, known as the Yazidis, believe in a special concept of life after death, namely reincarnation. As stated in the Yazidi holy book (Jalwah): “I will not punish anyone who lives in this low world longer than the time I have appointed for him. Whoever I will, I will bring a second and a third time, etc., into this world as a reincarnation of souls.”
According to this sect, death is not the end of life, but rather a link in a chain in which, in fact, a person passes from one stage to another with death. In the thinking of this group, a person goes through several periods during life. The first period is a decadent and very insignificant period, but the subsequent periods, which begin with death and move closer to the great devil, are towards perfection, light, and beauty. For this reason, in the first stage of life, a person must free himself from the shackles of this world by performing special rituals of Satanism and become as close to Satan as possible.
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