Author: Um Ayesha
The Position of Women in Islam (Part 40)
Why Are Some People Upset About Having a daughter?
The fact that Allah grants someone a daughter or a son is a blessing from the Lord of the Worlds, and no one can interfere with it. Unfortunately, some people unfairly harass their wives and believe they played a role in the birth of a girl.
“During the Age of Ignorance, girls were buried alive. The people of the world are well aware of their brutality and how heinously they treated girls. Unfortunately, in the present day, the same treatment—if not worse—is applied to girls. The happiness expressed when a boy is born is often absent when a girl is born. Unfortunately, most of us suffer from this ailment. What role does a woman play in giving birth to a girl that she must be criticized and hated? A woman has no role in giving birth to a boy or a girl. A woman’s duty is only to carry her child for nine months, enduring all kinds of hardships, while a man cannot carry a child for nine months—nor for even nine hours.”
How cruel it is when a girl is born! How upset we become, willing to ignore the woman entirely for several days, refusing to look at the baby’s face. Meanwhile, the mother, sister, and other relatives of the husband blame that poor woman from all sides and sometimes threaten her that they will marry their child off to another girl. In doing so, they only aggravate her suffering and blame someone who has committed no sin at all. Truly, what oppression, barbarism, and cruelty! They are unaware that the existence of a daughter is not only a great blessing but also a manifestation of Allah’s mercy.
Hazrat Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, reports that the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever takes care of two daughters until they are no longer in need will go to heaven, while he and I are like these two.” (In other hadiths, it is said that he pointed to his index and middle fingers.)
In many hadiths, there are numerous promises made regarding the proper upbringing of girls. That is why it is said that the existence of a daughter is a source of mercy and blessings; children are a blessing, and on the Day of Resurrection, she will be a source of forgiveness for her parents through divine mercy.
Yes! It is this girl, today, who will be remembered as a mother in the future. Therefore, we Muslims should pay more attention to the education of our daughters and view them as a source of honor rather than shame and humiliation.
When we consider the facts with wisdom, we will conclude that a girl is often much kinder to her parents and respects their rights more than a boy. It has been proven that girls provide more attention to their parents when they are old and in distress. They work tirelessly day and night, like skilled nurses, and never complain of tiredness. Hazrat Mu’awiya, may Allah be pleased with him, in response to Amr bin As, may Allah be pleased with him, who spoke ill of girls, pointed out this same issue, stating: “By Allah, no one nurses sick parents like a girl, and no one mourns the dead like her, nor shares in the sorrows, pains, and sufferings of parents like a girl.”
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