Author: AbdulHai Lian
Satanism (Part 11)
2.1. Satanists and the Attributes of Allah
Satanists have two views on the attributes of Allah Almighty, mirroring their beliefs about His essence:
1. The Polytheistic View:  A group of Satanists who acknowledge the existence of Allah Almighty and practice polytheism also subscribe to polytheism regarding the attributes of Allah. This aspect is elaborated upon below:
– They consider Allah Almighty to be very merciful. However, they do not aspire to strive in practice; rather, they use this attribute as an excuse for negligence in obeying Allah and for not worshiping Him, reasoning: “Allah is very, very merciful and forgiving.” Conversely, to safeguard themselves from the evil of Satan, they direct all their fears and sorrows toward worshiping Satan.
– They assert that Allah Almighty possesses only some attributes. As stated in the book Al-Jalwah of Satanists: “If the time and place of something come, Allah takes and gives; He makes some needy or poor, and He makes others wretched or happy.” Based on this belief, Allah’s possession is conditional on the situation at hand. In other words, Allah is not perceived as a free and omnipotent agent who can possess whenever and wherever He desires.
– They view Allah as akin to creatures and believe in His physicality. The book Al-Jalwah states: “I dress in a variety of forms and I will show myself to those who are faithful.” They also believe that Allah existed in the sea before the creation of the heavens and the earth. This belief leads them to conclude that Allah is similar to creatures and that it is possible for some individuals to see Allah in this world. This notion is unequivocally contrary to correct belief and is considered polytheism.
– This belief of Satanists aligns with certain Jewish beliefs. Some researchers argue that the origins of this belief stem from Jewish traditions, suggesting that Jews played a role in the inception and spread of Satanism, particularly in its modern form, and may even be among its architects.
– They embrace polytheism in divinity. The author of the book Mushaf Rash states that “Satan (Taawus Malak) is one of the seven gods.” They explain that these seven gods have mutually agreed not to interfere in each other’s affairs and that each recognizes the rights of the other gods.
This contradicts the clear proclamation of Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran: «وَقُلِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي لَمْ يَتَّخِذْ وَلَدًا وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ شَرِيكٌ فِي الْمُلْكِ وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ وَلِيٌّ مِّنَ الذُّلِّ وَكَبِّرْهُ تَكْبِيرًا» “And say: Praise be to Allah, who has not taken to Himself a son, nor has He any partner in the kingdom, nor has He any protector from humiliation, and magnify Him with greatness!”
2. The Atheistic View: This faction of Satanists, who deny the existence of Allah, equally reject the attributes of Allah Almighty. They, however, attribute certain characteristics to Allah—not due to genuine belief, but rather because others believe in Him. Some of these attributes include:
A) Denial of Existence: Disbelief in Allah is a principal characteristic of modern Satanism; thus, denial of Allah and rejection of any religion are the foremost prerequisites for individuals to join the Satanic sect.
B) Incapacity: Satanists claim that Allah is incapable of causing changes in human lives; they argue that many aspects of life require change, and people continually await it, yet no change is observed. The Satanic Bible states: “Our wait for change from the helpless, lifeless creature has been long.”
C) Insults: This sect has excelled in insulting Allah and ascribing inappropriate attributes to Him. Anthony Lavi begins his book The Devil Speaks with the provocative title “The God of Fools.” In this work, Lavi does not restrain himself from assigning repugnant and inappropriate attributes to Allah Almighty.
Considering the aforementioned beliefs of Satanism, we conclude that this sect is a highly deviant, anti-religious, both monotheistic and polytheistic movement. The denial of the existence of a single Creator has been established as a fundamental condition for acceptance into this group.
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