Theory of Allama Muhammad Taqi Usmani (may Allah protect him)
Allama scholar Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani writes: “In order to revive spirituality in schools, it is necessary to include books on ethics and purification in the curriculum, and teachers and students should collectively study and discuss the biographies and profiles of religious scholars every week. Furthermore, to purify and improve morality and nurture spirituality, they should establish contact with elders and spiritual mentors, benefiting from their experience and guidance.” He adds: Given the weakness of talents and the new needs of the present time, it is necessary to revise the curricula. He draws the attention of scholars and officials of religious schools to the following points:
1. Given the importance of the Arabic language and the need for communication with Arab countries, the Islamic world, and the training of writers, it is essential to teach this language using new methods and to include new books for teaching language and literature in the curriculum.
2. The life of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the history of Islam should be included among the main subjects.
3. Books should be compiled and taught to respond to the objections of false sects and new doubts. Foreign language courses, as well as analysis and criticism of Western philosophies, economics, contemporary law, and sociology—which are effective in explaining the worldview—should be taught.
4. Propagating Islam in the West requires the preparation of necessary and effective books and materials.
Professor Usmani, who has visited most of the Western countries and closely examined their conditions, says: “A large number of Muslims live in Europe, America, Africa, Australia, and the Far East. They are concerned about their future generations and constantly ask Islamic countries, seminaries, and scientific centers to send them prominent scholars and missionaries; but unfortunately, the number of qualified individuals who can respond positively to such requests is small.”
Providing Islamic Teachings to Different Categories of Society
In Islamic societies, people can be divided into three categories from one perspective:
1. The youth and students (Al-Tabaqah al-Darassa)
2. The students and educated (Al-Tabaqah al-Muthaqafah)
3. The masses (Al-Jamaahir)
A: The responsibility of religious schools towards the young and students is to plan for teaching the Quran and instilling the manners and teachings of Islam. Implementing such programs only during summer holidays is not sufficient; they must continue throughout the academic year.
B: University students are a group to whom the future of the country, positions, and the management of society’s affairs will be entrusted. Therefore, effective steps must be taken to guide and instruct this group. School officials and others must understand, recognize, and support this group, addressing the doubts and problems that have arisen in their minds.
Then, scholars should plan for these individuals to become familiar with the authentic culture of Islam and the Quran. They should hold regular meetings so that this group does not feel alienated and does not avoid religious scholars and schools, fostering loyalty and sincerity towards Islam and the Quran. May they devote their abundant talents to advancing the goals of Islam, become models of piety, and transform the future of Islamic society.