Author: Abu Ayesha
The Importance of Security in Islam (Part 24)
Methods of Achieving Security from the Islamic Perspective:
The previously mentioned points play a significant role in establishing and ensuring security. However, there are additional factors that contribute to achieving security in a society. This section briefly highlights the most important ones:
1. Implementation and Equal Enforcement of Justice and Law for All, While Eliminating Ethnic, Racial, Linguistic, and Other Forms of Discrimination in Society:
Social justice is a value that, when widespread, creates a foundation where individuals attain their rights and societal affairs are organized in balance and harmony. Since power inherently carries the potential for deviation, justice must always serve as the guiding criterion for governance and society. Justice fosters security, peace, and trust among members of the community. Acting justly ensures legitimacy, whereas failure to do so undermines legitimacy and erodes credibility, as divine satisfaction and public contentment are interconnected.
2. Revival of the Duty of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil in the Islamic Community.
3. Combating Factors of Aggression and Preventing Potential Violations of Others’ Rights:
This includes addressing forces of coercion and intimidation, controlling elements that may lead to violations, and taking necessary preventive measures to eradicate the roots of aggression against life, property, honor, and all protected rights of society’s members.
4. Raising Public Awareness About Individual Rights and Educating People to Respect the Rights of Others.
5. Ensuring Strong Moral Guarantees Through Proper Education and Ethics.
6. Legal Enforcement to Punish Violators of People’s Rights:
It does not matter to those who disturb the security of the country and the city whether they are directly involved in the disturbance or if they have merely planned, encouraged, or assisted the crime.
Note: An important issue that needs to be addressed is that the causes of security, comfort, and tranquility are not just a few things that have been mentioned here; these factors are innumerable, and we have contented ourselves with highlighting the most significant ones. Some scholars classify these causes into two types: spiritual causes and material means, both of which should not be neglected. Material causes, for example, can include creating opportunities for employment in various sectors such as agriculture and trade.
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