The Biography of Umar ibn Abdul Aziz ‘May Allah have mercy on him’ (Part 5)
The Necessity of the Emergence of Reforms for the Revival of Religion
Indeed, no ritual can survive or maintain its characteristics over time without the presence of individuals who possess extraordinary certainty, selfless spirituality, altruism, and high intellectual and emotional qualifications. These individuals must reinvigorate this seemingly lifeless tradition and instill a sense of trust and vitality among their followers.
Human life continuously evolves, and the allure of materialism remains ever-present. In reality, the revival of self-worship movements and their associated beliefs is not necessary, as there are always motivators and advocates for this ideology at every turn. However, the history of Islam has never been devoid of passionate and dedicated champions, those who have preserved its youth and vitality, while their adversaries gained strength. Without the introduction of something new, along with regular revivals and renewals, it becomes exceedingly difficult to withstand the allure of contemporary materialism.
Every Person Faces Sedition and Serious Danger
No one can deny that if the history of Islam were to be obscured by a thick veil, diminishing the genuine call of Islam, the conscience of the Islamic Ummah would become entirely numb, shrouded in darkness. It is an undeniable historical fact that during times of turmoil against Islam—whether through attempts to distort, misrepresent, or attack from materialistic perspectives—militant figures have consistently emerged. These individuals rise against contemporary seditions with steadfast faith, driving away harmful influences. Many da’wah (invitation to Islam) movements, which were once robust, now exist only within the confines of historical texts. It is increasingly difficult to ascertain the true nature of these movements, leading to a dwindling number of individuals familiar with concepts such as the Qadariyyah, Jahmiyyah, I’tizal, the creation of the Qur’an, the unity of existence, and the Divine Religion of Akbar, all of which were significant in their time. Despite the support of powerful monarchies and the utilization of brilliant advocates, ultimately, the truth of Islam triumphed over these ideologies. After a short period, these vibrant movements and their rituals survive only in written texts preserved in theological and historical literature.
This ongoing series of calls for reform, renewal, and efforts to protect religion is as old as Islamic history itself and occurs as continuously and inevitably as the lives of Muslims.
The Legacy of Islam
This legacy, which we refer to as “heritage,” is a term more aligned with Western thought; since Islam is indeed a living and eternal religion. Our focus should be on this wealth and capital passed down to us from the past. However, in reality, the solid knowledge, firm ideology of faith, high morals, Sharia guidance, and courtesy are all integral components of the wealth and heritage of Islam. Every individual who actively participated in establishing an era of Islamic governance based on the principles of the caliphate—against ignorance, combating materialism, calling to Allah, and revitalizing lost Islamic characteristics—shares in this legacy.
For example, one of these exceptional individuals, a remarkable figure, was Umar bin Abdul Aziz, may Allah have mercy on him.