Most of the Mu’tazila have denied the concept of miracles (Karamat) performed by saints (Awliya’). The majority of the Mu’tazila believe that supernatural events can only be performed by prophets and are impossible for others. They completely reject the possibility of miracles occurring for saints.
In the preface of the book Karamat Awliya’ Allah, it is stated: “When the Mu’tazila placed their limited intellect outside the realm of perceptible reality, they separated themselves from the community and opposed the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, on numerous issues. Therefore, it is no surprise that they deny and do not affirm miracles.”
Arguments of the Mu’tazila
One of the arguments of those who deny miracles is based on the following verse:
«والأنعام خلقها لكم فيها دفء ومنافع ومنها تأکلون ولكم فيها جمال حين تريحون وحين تسرحون وتحمل أثقالكم إلى بلد لم تكونوا بالغيه إلا بشق الأنفس إن ربكم لرءوف رحيم» Translation: And He created livestock for you; in them is warmth and numerous benefits, and from them, you eat. And for you, there is beauty in them when you bring them in for the evening and when you send them out to pasture. And they carry your loads to a land you could not have reached except with difficulty to yourselves. Indeed, your Lord is Kind and Merciful.
They argue that this verse implies that a person cannot travel from one city to another without hardship and the burden carried by camels. Those who affirm miracles claim that the Awliya’ of Allah sometimes travel from one city to another overnight without any hardship. The Mu’tazila argue that this contradicts the verse, making the belief in miracles invalid. When their argument against miracles is invalidated in this case, it can also be seen as invalidated in other cases, as no one distinguishes between them.
Another argument posed by the Mu’tazila as a point of contention is that if we believe in miracles for saints, then those miracles would become indistinguishable from the miracles of prophets, leading to a lack of distinction between the two.
The Mu’tazila consider affirming miracles for saints to be impossible. They base their reasoning on speculative and intellectual arguments, positing that if we acknowledge miracles—extraordinary phenomena—for saints, it is possible that a saint might be mistaken for a prophet, or a magician could be mistaken for a prophet. For this reason, they completely prohibit it.