Imam Abu Hanifa, May Allah Mercy be Upon Him: A Beacon of Knowledge in the Realm of Scholars and Hadith Masters (Part 10)
Part of the Advice of Imam Azam, May Allah Have Mercy on Him
In this part of the article, we will read some of the advice of Imam Sahib, may Allah have mercy on him, that he gave to his student, Yusuf bin Khalid Samati.
When Yusuf asked his master for permission to return to his homeland (Basra), the Imam said: “Wait until I give you some advice. Remember that if you mistreat people, even if they are your parents, they will become your enemies; but if you treat people well, even strangers will become your friends.”
He added: “Wait until one day I can make myself free for you. I will work hard for you and inform you of important things that will please you; of course, success is only from Allah Almighty.”
After some time passed, the master, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “I know that you have packed your belongings. If you enter Basra and attack your opponents, consider yourself superior to them, flaunt your knowledge, get into trouble with them, and stay away from them, they will stay away from you. Is this wise? A wise person is one who tolerates and compromises with others.”
Yusuf says: “At that time, I pledged to follow all the advice of my teacher with utmost seriousness.”
Etiquettes of a Scholar
1. Wear new clothes and always use perfume.
2. Hold meetings at certain times.
3. Set aside time to correct mistakes and meet your needs.
4. Be diligent in your prayers.
5. Share your food; no miser has reached this magnitude.
6. Forgive and encourage others to do good.
7. Ignore things that do not benefit you or do not concern you and set aside everything that bothers you.