Author: Abdul Hameed Nowrozi
Imam Abu Hanifah, May Allah Mercy Be Upon Him: A Beacon of Knowledge in the Realm of Scholars and Hadith Masters (Part 4)
The Attributes of Imam Abu Hanifah (May Allah Have Mercy on Him)
Imam Abu Hanifah (may Allah have mercy on him) was of medium build, broad-shouldered, neither tall nor short. His complexion was wheat-colored, and he possessed the most pleasant speech and sweetest voice among people. He was handsome, well-dressed, and always fragrant. People could recognize him by his pleasant scent when he entered or exited his home, as he used perfume abundantly. He was generous in his spending, and the clothes he wore were valued at thirty dinars.
Imam Abu Hanifah cared greatly about his appearance and was keen on being well-groomed. He even encouraged others to maintain their appearance and attire. It is said that one day he saw one of his companions wearing old clothes, so he pulled him aside and gave him one thousand dirhams to improve his appearance. The man responded, “I am wealthy and do not need this money.” Imam Abu Hanifah, reproaching him, said, “Have you not heard the hadith that: «إِنَّ اللَّهَ یحِبُّ أَنْ یرَى أَثَرَ نِعْمَتِهِ عَلَى عَبْدِهِ»? Translation: “Surely, Allah loves to see the signs and effects of His blessings on His servant!” Therefore, it is incumbent upon you to change your state so that your friends are not saddened by your appearance.”
The aforementioned attributes pertain to the physical and outward characteristics of Imam Abu Hanifah (may Allah have mercy on him). One of his inner qualities was his sharp intellect. He utilized this intelligence in deriving Islamic rulings, silencing opponents, and dispelling doubts.
An example of this occurred when some atheists, who denied the existence of a Creator, came to meet him. Imam Abu Hanifah asked them, “What would you say if someone came and told you: ‘I saw a huge ship filled with goods and cargo, sailing in the middle of the sea, with its turbulent waves and varying winds buffeting it, yet the ship continued on its course without a sailor or captain, and there was no one guarding or steering it.’ Would your intellect accept this?” They all responded, “No, such a thing cannot be accepted by reason, and even imagining it is not permissible.” Imam Abu Hanifah replied, “How astonishing and glorified is Allah! When the mind cannot accept that a ship could sail straight and smoothly without a captain or a guard, then how can it accept that this vast world, with all its various states, changes, expansive surroundings, and different conditions, can exist without a creator, guard, originator, or maker, and continue on its orderly and systematic course?”
This sharp intellect enabled him to excel in debates, arguments, and discussions.