Author: Shukran Ahmadi
The Power of Reason and Its Domain (Part Four)
The Range of the Power of Reason
Just as the effectiveness of the five senses is not unlimited but ends at a limit, the jurisdiction of reason is also not limitless. Reason is effective to a certain extent and guides people; however, if we attempt to use it beyond its limits, it will not provide the right answers and will not guide humanity effectively.
Where the range of reason ends, Allah has provided a third means to know things: heavenly education and “divine revelation.” The effectiveness of this tool begins where the use of reason ends. Therefore, using reason in the field of divine revelation is akin to using the ear to see or using the eye to hear.
This does not mean that reason is useless; rather, reason is effective within its own field of action (jurisdiction). If we attempt to use it outside of its scope, it is like someone asking you to smell with your eyes and ears.
The Difference Between Islam and Materialism
The difference between Islam and a materialistic system is that the materialistic system stops after utilizing the two previous means of acquiring knowledge: senses and reason. They assert, “Man does not have a third means to acquire knowledge; only our eyes, ears, nose, and reason have external existence, and there is no better means than these.” In contrast, Islam claims, “There is another tool for you, along with these tools, and that is divine revelation.”
Now we must consider the validity of Islam’s claim that not all matters can be clarified by reason; rather, we need heavenly guidance, divine revelation, prophets, messengers, and heavenly books. To what extent is this claim true in this age?
Today, the world is largely ruled by rationalism or rational philosophy, which states, “We put everything on the scales of reason and, after recognizing it, we accept it.” However, reason does not possess a solid formula or principle that has universal recognition and acceptance (Universal Truth). As a result, it cannot establish standards for goodness and badness. What is good? What is bad? What should we strive for? What should we avoid? Whenever we leave these decisions to reason, history shows that reason has misled humanity repeatedly. If we allow reason to operate freely, where will it lead a person? To illustrate this, I will present some historical examples.
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