Author: Abu Rayan Azizi
Feminism (Part 29)
Results of Banning Polygamy
If we look closely at France, we will see that not only ordinary people but also leaders and statesmen often have many mistresses. Despite this situation, they remain respected and appreciated by the church.
The law of polygamy is a natural law of humankind, and this law will exist as long as humans do. The goal the church aimed to achieve by prohibiting polygamy has not been realized; instead, the situation has reversed, leading to the dishonor of women.
The theory of monogamy and the prohibition of polygamy, which Christianity and the West apparently promote, reveals its destructive consequences in three areas:
1. Promotion of prostitution.
2. A large number of women will remain unmarried.
3. Increase in illegitimate births.
As long as complete Islamic Sharia was implemented in Islamic countries, these social diseases, which also have adverse moral effects, were unknown. However, when these anomalies were introduced in Islamic countries and Western traditions were adopted, women in these nations also found themselves oppressed.
In the book “Al-Islam,” authored by “Shamtz Domlan,” it is noted that when “Dr. Mafruku Redato” traveled to Berlin from Astana to study medicine in 1827, there was not even a brothel in the capital of the Ottoman Empire at that time. However, upon his return, the situation had changed, leading the great minister of the Ottoman government, Rashid Pasha, to express regret by saying that they were sending their children to Europe to discover the secrets of progress, only to find that they brought back defects and diseases.
Now, let’s assess whether the Islamic system, which allows polygamy, is closer to morality—controlling lusts and preserving the dignity of women—or the Western system, which has banned polygamy and keeps the market of illicit relationships thriving. It has been demonstrated that whenever attempts have been made to forcibly ban polygamy, they have failed to control the market of cheap mistresses.
In an Arab country, a man was arrested on charges of polygamy. However, his lawyer proved that his client had no other wife besides his first; the woman the client slept with was an external partner and merely a girlfriend. With this justification, the accused was released immediately, and an apology was issued to him. He was acquitted because, according to French law in Arab countries, no one can be arrested for the crime of adultery unless they are cheating on their spouse. Unfortunately, some Islamic countries also have similar laws.
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