Author: Shukran Ahmadi
Criteria for Distinguishing Sunnah and Bid’ah (Part Two)
The Lexical meaning of Sunnah
The word “Sunnah” means way and method, regardless of whether it is beautiful or ugly.
Sunnah in the Term
Scholars of the principles of jurisprudence have defined Sunnah in the context of Sharia evidence. Scholars of Hadith have defined Sunnah as everything attributed to the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him. Jurisprudence scholars regard Sunnah as a discussion of Sharia rulings, such as Farz (obligatory), Wajib (necessary), Mandub (recommended), and Makruh (discouraged). Preachers understand Sunnah to mean whatever the Sharia commands or forbids. Based on this, the meaning of the word Sunnah has varied among different scholars.
Osuli scholars’ state: “Sunnah means everything other than the Qur’an that was issued by the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, including sayings, deeds, and interpretations.”
Beizawi, may Allah have mercy on him, has briefly expressed a similar definition: “Sunnah means the words or actions of the Holy Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him.”
Sunnah in the Term of Jurists
As Shoukani stated, “Sunnah is anything that has been established from the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, without presumption or obligation, and it is in contrast to obligatory rulings.” In Shoukani’s definition, the Hanafi’s have also included the actions of the Companions after the death of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
Sunnah Among Scholars of Theology and Belief
According to scholars of theology and belief, Sunnah refers to whatever opposes Bid’ah (innovation). Shatebi Maleki, may Allah have mercy on him, stated this in his book “Al-Mowafeqat.” Thus, it is said that a person follows Sunnah while another is on the path of innovation. It should be noted that Imam Shatebi, may Allah have mercy on him, agreed with the clause that the Hanafi’s included in the definition of Sunnah.
Their Reasoning
Their reasoning stems from the hadith of Arbaz bin Sariyah, may Allah be pleased with him, in which the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Righteous Caliphs, and cling to it with your teeth and nails.”
Issues Proven from Sunnah with This Concept:
1. The Punishment for Wine Consumption: The caliphs of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, established the punishment for the consumption of intoxicants. Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “People will not be reformed except by this.” This was a Sunnah established by the Companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and was followed by Muslims thereafter.
2. Compilation of the Mushafs: Hazrat Usman, may Allah be pleased with him, compiled the Mushafs into a single Mushaf, known as the Mushaf Usman, and distributed it to different regions. Muslims still regard this compilation as trustworthy.
3. Compilation of Procedures and Similar Issues: These matters were decided by the expediency and consensus of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them.