Author: Sayed Muslih-al-Din
Analysis of the Destructive Aspects of Christianity (Part Two)
Entering the Challenge of Comparison
Among the religions, theories, and ideologies that have emerged throughout history, one can point to the skeptical and sometimes contradictory thoughts of ancient Greek philosophers regarding monotheism, the destructive ideas propagated by certain Christian movements during the Middle Ages, the ruinous ideologies of communism in recent centuries, Jewish ideas sometimes accused of racism and domination, Buddhist beliefs—which, although aimed at inner purification—have, in some cases, led to the development of harsh and severe dispositions, and the hypocritical thoughts of certain individuals in every era who outwardly align with truth but, in practice, strike like a dagger against the righteous. There are many such ideologies that cannot be fully enumerated.
In the field of sociology as well, many figures have emerged, each reflecting the needs of their respective eras. Although the sociological theories of Auguste Comte, known as the father of modern sociology, date back to the 19th century, many of these ideas are now regarded more for their historical value than for any practical merit.
All these lines of thought had followers and adherents who, throughout time, lived as servants of these ideas and philosophies. Any thought or intellectual path claiming to encompass all dimensions of human life must pursue a goal that leads to worldly and spiritual prosperity. The mission of any ideology that deviates from this axis is incomplete and flawed, leading to numerous doubts. In most of the mentioned intellectual methods, there is no genuine mission. History has shown that the vast class divides created among the followers of these ideologies have not only failed to bring happiness but have endangered the basic rights of their adherents. Thus, to testify to the truthfulness of these ideologies would be to fuel injustice and unfairness. From a truly just belief, one would not expect teachings that create social divisions among individuals. There is no need for examples; the truth of this claim is clearer than day for each of us. We have seen and heard enough about the discrimination between elites and commoners to render any example unnecessary.
However, apart from all these thoughts and beliefs that have left their marks according to their level of sincerity and truth, there is an idea and belief that was introduced to the world at a certain point in history—one that differs from all other prevailing thoughts as much as the sky differs from the earth.
This idea and belief, which later became a pure way of life presented to the world, is none other than pure Islamic thought.
For this one blessing alone, we should thank and praise the Lord of the universe day and night. The value and significance of this faith become evident when God, through the presentation of Islam, shows that this world is not a place of injustice and discrimination. Rather, amid all the ideologies and religions, there is a faith that is full of mercy, justice, sincerity, and love—a complete reflection of human dignity, separate from all common and prevailing religions.
The truth of this faith and the blessed mission that accompanied it were evident from the start. The pioneers and leaders of this spiritual path, unlike the followers of many other religions, lived in material hardship and poverty but demonstrated their purity and integrity both spiritually and outwardly. Through their noble morals and commendable behavior, they attracted people to themselves and prepared them to serve Islam. Their true and committed followers sought only to promote and advance this ideology.
Without using the advanced and modern advertising tools that other religions employed to spread their beliefs, they managed to expand the domain of the Islamic government both on earth and in the hearts of people worldwide.
This thought, originating from a land with few natural resources and a population steeped in ignorance and idolatry, emerged in a time full of corruption and was presented by some of the poorest people in human history. By God’s grace, it has remained strong and firm to this day.
This belief, due to its flawless method of presentation and tireless efforts for its expansion, influenced the minds and hearts of half the world’s population in less than sixty years. Despite lacking significant material support and not relying on the number of its followers, it managed to dominate half the world in less than sixty years. This stands as proof of the authenticity and health of this faith in all its aspects. To compare and prove this claim, one need only glance at the history of other beliefs and ideologies.
The Destruction of Christianity
Throughout history, some Christians, by distorting the Bible and altering the teachings of the divine prophets, damaged the essence of this heavenly religion. Their extreme and rejected ideas during the Middle Ages reflect profound ignorance, ultimately leading to the decline of these thoughts and inflicting irreversible harm on human dignity.
This distorted version of Christianity cultivated individuals who, influenced by the extremism taught by their leaders, worked to destroy human society, igniting flames of violence and hatred among people. The actions of Christian extremists over the past six centuries have left dark pages in human history and inflicted deep wounds on the world.
For example, Medieval Christianity, by promoting ideas that fueled a conflict between science and faith, contributed to the spread of ignorance in its contemporary world. These contradictory thoughts ruled minds for long periods. The Christian sources containing such contradictory ideas are a testament to this claim, where one can find content that primarily emphasizes the conflict between science and faith, aiming to educate an unaware and ignorant society. In this way, they sought to govern and exploit them cunningly for a long time.
The story of Adam, the forbidden tree, and Eden is a notable example of this contradiction between knowledge and divine command.