Author: Abu Ayesha
The Importance of Security in Islam (Part Four)
One of the important issues in Islam is understanding the position and significance of various matters from a religious perspective. To determine the status and value of any concept in Islam, it is essential to refer to the primary sources of the faith, namely the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Therefore, this text aims to clarify the position of security in Islam by referencing relevant Quranic verses and prophetic hadiths. This section of the article will focus on Quranic verses and their interpretations.
The Position of Security in the Holy Quran
A careful and thorough study of the verses of the Holy Qur’an, regarded as one of the sacred books and the best among them, reveals the profound value this divine book assigns to the concept of security. In many verses, security is described as a unique blessing that Allah has bestowed upon His servants; for example, concerning the Quraysh, who were freed from fear and panic, it is stated: «الَّذِي أَطْعَمَهُمْ مِنْ جُوعٍ وَآمَنَهُمْ مِنْ خَوْفٍ» (“The one who fed them from hunger and gave them security from fear”). This verse compares security and peace to food, highlighting the importance and high value of security. Just as food is necessary for life, security is vital and precious for human existence; life becomes difficult without it.
Whenever the Holy Qur’an addresses the issue of security, it immediately refers to developmental indicators such as the production and abundance of goods, the advancement of communications, scientific and technical progress, housing, urban development, comfort, prosperity, and freedom from sadness, fear, and terror. In the context of the Quran, security encompasses a broad and comprehensive meaning that includes all aspects of human life—material and spiritual, individual and social, domestic and international, political and economic.
According to the Qur’an, achieving security is possible through piety, trust in Allah, respect for the rights of others, the implementation of justice and equality, the establishment of fraternity, support for the oppressed and deprived, the fight against corruption and crime, the eradication of poverty, the provision of basic needs and prosperity, the maintenance of legitimate freedoms, and governance based on human and divine values.
The Holy Qur’an employs various terms to convey the concept of security, creating a wide semantic network on this matter. Terms such as “Amn,” “Iman,” “Istiman,” and “Ma’man,” among others, along with core concepts like “peace,” “assurance,” and “freedom from fear,” illustrate the special semantic relationships stemming from the worldview of society regarding security and the process of achieving a secure society.
The frequent use of the word “security” and its derivatives in the Holy Qur’an demonstrates the significance that this divine book attributes to the issue of security, regarding it as one of the key and fundamental concerns.
The term “security” and its derivatives appear in various contexts, manifesting in twenty-two different forms throughout the verses of the Qur’an, including: «أمن، أمنتکم، آمنوا، آمنکم، تأمنا، تأمنه، یأمن، یأمنوا، یأمنوکم، آمنا، آمنة، آمنوا، آمنین، أمنا، أمنة، مأمنه، مأمون، آمنهم» These terms are mentioned separately in twenty-four Surahs of the Holy Qur’an.
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