Author: M. Farahi Tujegi
Islam and Democracy (Part 26)
Bites of Democracy
Western countries have empowered themselves with all kinds of devices and tools, but it is questionable in what issues, where, and how they have used their power.
The seated rulers and law enforcers in their countries have implemented and enforced the law of power while forming a government that operates behind the scenes, favoring the minority. They have applied the same law abroad and caused destruction in many lands.
The shameful history of the democracy-loving West is tied to the occupation and looting of other countries and is intertwined with the history of racism and the theory of white supremacy. To cover up this dark history, they have initiated scandals to distract other nations. They have attributed the heinous slander aimed at themselves to others, labeling them as wild, predatory, and uncivilized.
The ancient democratic Greeks viewed other nations as equals, but the modern proponents of Western democracy consider other nations barbaric, backward, and second-class. However, they later learned how to practice hypocrisy, presenting themselves as bearers of the message of civilization while framing their occupation and looting as the progress of nations. Of course, the type of progress they envisage is one that leads to slavery and the degradation of humanity and human rights. Western democrats and non-democrats have not hesitated to cover up their crimes by falsely claiming that Islam was the primary invader, spread by sword and spear. They have always propagated this narrative to deceive people and mislead their followers.
Nonetheless, there have been, and continue to be, fair individuals among every nation, both past and present; however, few listen to their words. These just individuals have exposed the truth about their rulers and the realities of their nations. Among these voices is “Gay Dubois,” who wrote a book about colonialism. I wish that everyone deceived by Western rulers would read this book.
Dubois has elucidated the occupation by the West. We summarize his perspective and understanding of the Arab Muslim conquests in a few points:
1. Islamic conquests were not acts of colonialism, as the conditions for colonization were neither practically nor theoretically met. These conquests did not seek to subjugate nations, nor were the property and economic assets of the occupied lands exploited for the service and welfare of the conquerors (Arabs) or for personal gain.
2. Islam did not compel nations to abandon their religions; rather, it allowed everyone the freedom to practice their beliefs and presented Islam as a superior option, highlighting its merits through practical examples in society.
3. A person who embraced Islam would have their rights safeguarded, enabling them to participate in governance without prohibitions based on their qualifications or affiliations.
4. In the Islamic conquests, no particular race or nationality held exclusive power; authority was not seized through coercion but based on the principles of the religion itself.
5. The Islamic conquests offered a new way of life to the people of the conquered territories, integrating them rather than merely providing spiritual equality as the Christian invaders did.
How many people have listened to Dubois’s message? The number is likely very few, as the reason is clearer than the brightness of the sun. They prevent the exposure of their ugly truths and resist acknowledging others as heroes of humanity and good morals. Consequently, there is minimal promotion of such a book, while extensive propaganda is directed toward anyone who speaks contrary to this narrative.
The naive people of our land are in a vulnerable position. Criminals present themselves as heroes and belittle backward nations as much as possible, while our unsuspecting people laugh and accept it. This reflects the first and most dangerous sin of Western democrats.
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