Author: Abdul Hameed Nowrozi
Youths; Future builders of the society (Part 6)
Growth Factors of Youths
1. Faith:
In the world, there is no factor higher than faith that can put a person under its control and command like this. Faith is a strong ruler that governs the realm of the body and the capital of the heart, ensuring that no member disobeys its orders. Faith serves as a school in which all its principles, foundations, rules, laws, and programs are firm and stable.
Hazrat Umar Farooq (may Allah be pleased with him) states: «نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام فمتى ابتغینا بغیر الإسلام أذلنا الله» Translation: “Allah honored us with Islam; if we seek honor in other than Islam, Allah will humiliate us.”
2. Science and Knowledge:
The best thing in this era is science. Science encompasses a broad concept and holds great meaning. It is brighter than the sun, whiter than the moonlight, and more profound than the essence of the universe. Science is higher than the sight of the eye, more valuable than the wealth and power of the world, and more excellent than the reserves and mines of the earth. It is more extensive and precious than the jewels of the Earth.
Knowledge is at the top of the heavens; keep it from the eyes of the seal.
The sons of Adam find perfection through knowledge, not through pride or wealth.
3. Pursuing Big Goals:
The great men of history have pursued formidable goals and reached their destinations by cultivating these ambitions in their lives. The real men have attained their positions because of their hard work.
4. Attention to Marriage:
Marriage is one of the great blessings of Allah that rectifies many religious and worldly affairs. It is like executing a war plan that includes numerous benefits and developments. Through marriage, a young man is saved from sin and attains peace and tranquility; he is protected from evil temptations and also receives divine rewards.
5. Meetings with the Righteous and Sincere Men:
Youths should seek to meet with sincere and zealous individuals—wise and experienced, with good hearts and righteous intentions. In fact, meeting and communicating with the right people is a step and a ladder to happiness, serving as the key to success and well-being for young people. All the intellectuals of the world agree that the nature of youth is influenced by interactions with righteous individuals. As Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi says:
Youths, the hope of tomorrow
When you engage with some youths and delve into the depths of their thoughts, you may discover actions and traits within them that cause regret and sadness because they find themselves in positions unworthy of their potential. Young people should strive to be leaders and pioneers in all activities and remain sensitive to the pains of society, embodying dynamism and vitality.
O true followers of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), you must always remember that money, wealth, current trends, and blind imitation of foreigners do not bring happiness and prosperity. Rather, the source of your happiness and the key to success lies in expanding knowledge, paving the paths of learning, erasing traces of idolatry, destroying ignorance, and lighting the lamp of guidance. In the era of monotheism, establish justice, love, friendship, brotherhood, and equality. In every aspect of life, strive to follow the best example and guide of all humanity, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).