Author: Abdul Hameed Nowrozi
Responsibility and Duty Awareness in Islam (Part Two)
Basis of Responsibility
The foundation of accountability in Islam is reflected in this saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): «كلّكم راعٍ ومسئولٌ عن رعيته؛ فالإمام راعٍ ومسئولٌ عن رعيته، والرجل راعٍ ومسئولٌ عن رعيته، والمرأة راعيةٌ على بيت زوجها وولدها ومسئولةٌ عنهم، وعبد الرجل راعٍ على مال سيده، ومسئولٌ عن رعيته، ألا فكلّكم راعٍ ومسئولٌ عن رعيته.»Translation: “All of you are responsible and will be questioned about your responsibilities. Therefore, the leader of the community is responsible for his people, the man is the guardian of his household and will be questioned about those under his care. The woman is responsible in her husband’s house and for her children, and she will be questioned about those under her care. The servant is responsible for his master’s property. Be aware that all of you are responsible, and each one will be held accountable for their responsibilities.”
Some scholars have said: “The term ‘راعی’ is general and includes all members of society, even those who have no spouse, children, servants, or dependents; because a person is responsible for their own body, obligating it to follow divine commands and preventing it from committing evils. Therefore, one’s body becomes their dependent, and being a guardian does not contradict being a dependent. In other words, a person can be a guardian while also being a dependent.”
Hafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) defines the word (راعی) as: “As (راعی) is a trustworthy and committed individual who preserves the trust that has been placed in them, acts with justice concerning it, and takes actions in its best interest.”
After understanding the meaning of responsibility and duty and their connection, it is necessary to recognize that accepting responsibility involves certain prerequisites and conditions. A responsibility can only be entrusted to someone who meets these conditions. Therefore, we briefly outline these conditions and prerequisites:
1. Responsibility is realized when there is a mission or duty at hand; meaning that a person has previously accepted tasks willingly and then takes on the responsibility of completing them—not tasks that are performed under the influence of desires or out of fear.
2. Responsibility is valid only when the individual has the capacity for discernment and understanding. Hence, an ignorant person who lacks the ability to comprehend cannot be obligated to perform a task or to be entrusted with responsibility.