Author: Ismail Sarani
Homosexuality (Part 6)
Sexual organs for sexual organs
The sexual organs were undoubtedly created for various purposes, including reproduction and the experience of pleasure. However, a fundamental question arises: For whom and for what purpose were these sexual organs designed for enjoyment? Are these organs made in humans so that they can derive pleasure from them in any way? For example, should humans use the sexual organs of cows, camels, or pigs? Or were male and female sexual organs created to interact with each other for the purposes of reproduction, pleasure, and companionship?
The opinion of divine laws and great human philosophers agrees with the second opinion. But homosexuals, who are considered a small minority in the world, have turned to another opinion.
Their action is left to those who are not satisfied with enjoying natural and pleasant human foods and swallow “narcotics” for pleasure!
The Reason for Supporting Homosexuality
The primary issue with opponents of Islam is that they tend to approach this topic from a one-sided perspective. For example, in their support of homosexuality, they argue that legalizing same-sex marriage does not negatively affect the rates of heterosexual marriage, divorce, abortion, or the percentage of children born out of wedlock. At first glance, this may appear to be true; however, a deeper examination reveals the flawed nature of this argument.
Proponents of homosexuality claim that in a homosexual marriage, there is no possibility of children being born out of wedlock (i.e., born of adultery). This assertion relates to societies that have boldly separated religion from politics and embraced sexual freedom. At the same time, they identify the issue of children born out of wedlock as a significant problem, viewing homosexuality as a potential solution to this concern. Such prejudice prevents these individuals from exercising restraint and applying critical thinking.
The core issue is that children born out of wedlock can lead to problems concerning custody and upbringing. This highlights the complexity of the situation and emphasizes the need for a more nuanced understanding of the implications surrounding the legalization of same-sex marriage and its impact on societal issues.
The solution lies in addressing the core issue. This problem arises in a society that believes religion has no place in the law. However, in a country governed by Islamic Sharia, where violators are dealt with harshly, the likelihood of children being born out of wedlock significantly decreases. The answer is clear: No.
The second argument is that “there is no abortion in same-sex marriages.” This statement highlights a contradiction among secularists and atheists. On one hand, they view abortion as a legal and natural right for every woman; on the other hand, they criticize the high number of abortions within their societies. According to a report from BBC Farsi, there were 299,585 abortions in the United States in 2011. Interestingly, one of the primary reasons for the legalization of abortion in America was the high incidence of pregnancies resulting from extramarital sex.
These atheists have turned to homosexuality as a proposed solution to their problem. However, there exists a better and more practical solution. Abortion is prohibited in Islamic Sharia, eliminating the need for homosexuality as a means to address the issue of abortion.
The third reason: “The argument in support of homosexuality is to reduce the divorce rate.” They say: The divorce rate among homosexuals is low and this is a good reason to support homosexuality. In Belgium, the divorce rate among female homosexuals was 21% and among male homosexuals was 14%. In Denmark, 27% of female homosexuals and 14% of male homosexuals were divorced.
This divorce rate is not low at all considering the low number of same-sex marriages. Interestingly, according to Catholic Christianity, husband and wife do not have the right to divorce, and there is no such thing as divorce in this religion, and if the West legislates even based on the distorted Christian Sharia, the percentage of divorce will be zero, and in Islam, divorce is also called the most hated halal. Therefore, religious solutions to control divorce are better than secular solutions.
Rejecting the doubts of Atheists
Animal homosexuality
One of the reasons that the supporters of homosexuality always mention and try to prove their ugly act is the reason of taking from animals. This spectrum is said as an argument, because homosexuality has been seen among some animals (such as penguins, dolphins, etc.), so homosexuality is natural. Maybe this argument seems ridiculous to you; but unfortunately it is true. The famous atheist (Christopher Hinches) mentions this argument a lot in his books.
Well, among some animals, such as pigs, is it common to eat shit?!
Can eating shit of a series of people be normal?! Polygamy is prevalent among animal species such as groups of gorillas, so polygamy is a natural thing and this group has no right to criticize polygamy in Islam?!
Among some animal species, such as African lions and black spiders, killing of the same sex is common, so killing humans must be a natural thing?!
According to the research conducted by scientists (Census of Marine Life Center), about (7,770,000) seven million seven hundred and seventy thousand animal species have been found in the world. Now, homosexuality is seen in what percentage of these animals? Which logic dictates that by observing several animals who have committed this act and it is not clear why and for what reason they do this act and attributed it to humans in general.
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