Author: Shukran Ahmadi
Da’wah’s Necessity and Method in the Modern world (Part 6)
Acquaintance and Love: The Path to Hearts
One of the key factors for success in invitation is getting to know people’s names and establishing familiarity with them. Remembering and using a person’s name fosters mutual affection because everyone enjoys being addressed by their name, especially the one they prefer. Familiarity removes many barriers; as long as there is alienation, distance, and separation between the inviter and the people, the invitation will not be effective. Building familiarity brings strangers closer together. Therefore, opening the door to understanding and acceptance is one of the most important principles of invitation.
Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Umar Palanpuri, may Allah have mercy on him, says: “Taking ‘ouns’ is one of the principles of da’wah, and one can achieve ‘ouns’ through familiarity with the addressed person. This familiarity prepares the ground for the invitation.” It is mentioned in the hadiths that when the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, would go out to invite people, Hazrat Siddiq Akbar, may Allah be pleased with him, would first open the door of acquaintance through his lineage, then they would meet him, and finally, the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, would invite them to Islam.
Another principle of da’wah is that the inviter should be kind to others and demonstrate compassion and empathy. The more loved one feels for others in their heart, the more successful they will be in their invitation efforts. The inviter’s demeanor should reflect compassion, and love should flow from their speech. It is narrated that “مَن نظر إلی أخیه نظرة ودٍّ غفر الله له”; Translation: “Whoever treats his brother with love, Allah will forgive him.”
The inviter should choose means that enhance the mood. It is stated in a tradition that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said to Hazrat Umar, may Allah be pleased with him: “ثلاث لک ود أخیک؛ سلّم علیه إذا لقیته و توسّع له فی المجلس وتدعوه بأحبّ الأسماء إلیه”; Translation: “Three things are reasons for your friendship with your Muslim brother: 1. Greet him first; 2. Call him by his most beloved name; 3. Make room for him in your gathering.”
According to Allamah Iqbal, may Allah have mercy on him:
یقین محکم، عمل پی‌ہم، محبت فاتح عالم جهاد زندگانی مین یهین مردون کہ شمشیری Translation: “Firm conviction, consistent action, and love conquer the world.”
The aforementioned principles are of special importance in the field of invitation and are among the key tenets of da’wah.
Chivalry and Forgiveness in the Field of Invitation
Forgiveness and chivalry are fundamental principles of da’wah. It was narrated from the Prophet, peace be upon him, that: «ألا أدلک علی أکرم الدنیا والآخرة، أن تصل من قطعک وتعطی من حرمک وأن تعفو عن من ظلمک» Translation: “Shall I not guide you to the most generous morals of this world and the Hereafter? Establish a relationship with those who cut you off, given to those who deprive you, and forgive those who wrong you.”
These principles humble the inviter, elevate their happiness, and contribute to their success in the path of invitation. Often, a sincere smile opens the door to invitation and attracts the audience, while frowning and furrowing one’s brow can evoke hatred and disgust.
Calling Muslims to Obey Is More Important Than Calling Non-Muslims to Islam
Allah the Almighty reprimanded the Prophet, peace be upon him, for turning away from Abdullah bin Umm Maktoum, may Allah be pleased with him, in favor of the nobles among the disbelievers: «عَبَسَ وَتَوَلَّى (۱) أَنْ جَاءَهُ الْأَعْمَى (۲) وَمَا يُدْرِيكَ لَعَلَّهُ يَزَّكَّى (۳)» Translation: “The face was crumpled and turned away because the blind man came to him; what do you know, maybe he will purify himself and beautify himself.”
In this surah, one of the most important principles is articulated; the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, faced two tasks simultaneously: 1. Teaching and comforting the Muslim and inviting him; 2. Paying attention to non-Muslims and inviting them to Islam.
By revealing these verses, Allah Almighty clearly indicates that the call of a Muslim to obey and pay attention to him takes precedence over the call of non-Muslims to Islam. Therefore, the work of Muslims should not be delayed for the sake of preaching to the disbelievers. Educating and reforming Muslims is more critical than inviting non-Muslims to Islam.
The inviter should pay attention to all classes and segments of society and not restrict the invitation to a particular class, such as the educated or the wealthy. Inviting Muslims to faith is encapsulated in the command: «یا أیها الذین آمنوا آمِنوا», which emphasizes its importance over converting non-Muslims to Islam.
Based on this understanding, it is crucial to focus on teaching, reforming, and mobilizing Muslims through da’wah. If Muslims truly embody the teachings of Islam in their lives, non-believers and polytheists will naturally be drawn to Islam upon observing the practical lives of Muslims.
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