The History of Drug Emergence in the World and Islamic Countries
According to historical documents, human acquaintance with drugs dates back to around 4000 BCE. Initially, these substances were primarily used for medical purposes. However, with the establishment of colonial powers such as England and France in the 16th, 17th, and especially the 18th centuries CE, opiates were exploited to subjugate weaker nations.
Many narratives have been shared about the emergence of drugs in Islamic countries, and we will discuss a few of them:
1. Some scholars believe that hashish first appeared among Muslims in the late 6th and early 7th centuries.
2. Imam Zarakshi states: “The date of the appearance of hashish can be traced back to the year 550 AH.”
3. Maqrizi says: “Hashish appeared in 618 AHS by Haider, the mentor of the poor Sufis, and for this reason it was called Hashish at Al-Foqara (the hashish of the poor).”
4. In the events of 494 AH, Imam Ibn Kasir writes: “Hasan bin Sabah, the leader of the Hashashin sect, mixed two substances, nutmeg and nigella with honey and gave them to those who accepted his sect, so that their tempers would burn, and their brains would be corrupted, and they would obey him, and obey him even more than obeying parents. Therefore, with the emergence of this sect, this type of drug was known.”
Before starting the discussion about narcotics and its development, we will consider the three words “addiction”, “addict” and “narcotics”:
Literally, Addiction means getting used to something. In other words, dependence on something or an entity in such a way that it is not possible to separate from it, is called Addiction. But the World Health Organization replaced the word “drug dependence” with Addiction in 1964 or 1968; Therefore, according to the theory of scientific circles, Addiction is a “dependency”.
However, in medical sources and among the general public, the term Addiction is still common and is used to describe the following:
1. Psychological dependence on a substance that causes drug-seeking behavior.
2. Inability to stop taking the drug due to physical dependence on the drug and tolerance to its effects.
3. Development of physical and mental health problems as a result of continuous substance abuse.
But in modern medicine and in the term, dependence on a drug and a specific substance is called addiction which affects a person’s personal, social, spiritual and psychological life and disrupts its normal and ideal state; Therefore, according to this definition, people who suffer from addiction are abnormal and deviant.
An addict is someone who has become dependent on drugs or medicine due to frequent and continuous use. In other words, the victim of any type of medical or psychological addiction to drugs is known as an addict.
Although the term “narcotics” has been used in Persian language for a long time, this title is not scientifically correct and does not correspond to the properties and characteristics of those drugs. “Takhdir” in the word means to loosen, to numb and to faint which is also known as “narcotic” in Latin. From a scientific point of view, this title is not correct in Latin and languages derived from Latin, because the titles “narcose” and “narcotic” are also used for local anesthetic drugs.
But according to the medicinal effects and physiological properties, especially the changes in mental states, especially those that intoxication, comfort and pleasure are obtained by taking them and in short, this state is common to all drugs and even alcoholic beverages, the best title for this category of drugs is the same term “Makifs” which is more suitable than all the mentioned titles; Because from a scientific point of view, this title corresponds to the common properties of these drugs.
From the Viewpoint of pathology, any drug that causes such changes after consumption that it is not socially acceptable, and the society shows sensitivity towards it, that drug is a “narcotic”.
Dr. Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Tayyar says: “Any raw or manufactured substance that is awakening or sedative and used without medical purpose, causes addiction and causes physical, social and moral harm, is called narcotic.”