Contemporary Societies and the Double and Hypocritical Treatment of Women
In the continuation of the discussion on contemporary attitudes towards women, it is essential to note that in the Western world, particularly in Europe and societies that often claim to defend women’s rights, there is a demand for women’s active presence in social arenas and unrestricted participation in various activities. However, this push for participation often masked by compassion, kindness, pity, sympathy, and benevolence, implies that women should leave the confines of their homes and insists that they walk freely in the streets, markets, commercial and industrial centers, participate in agriculture and animal husbandry, and engage in offices and artistic endeavors such as movies and theater. Moreover, women should be present in sports, bodybuilding, military camps, and bases, moving side by side with men, where the scope of women’s activities should not be separate from those of men.
If these compassionate demands are examined precisely and the performance of these societies and their treatment of women are fundamentally and radically revised, we will find a double and hypocritical, unrealistic and unrealistic treatment; There is no smell of honesty and reality in it, and basically all these demands, which are apparently raised under the title of defending and protecting women, are the result of the following two factors:
The spread of licentiousness, lust and hedonism: it is the most important factor that has forced these societies to defend women, and the theorists of these societies, with sensual motives, in line with the demands of the people of revelry and promiscuity, demand the participation of women and men who are strangers to each other in all daily activities are life.
Undoubtedly their main goal of women’s presence and participation in these societies isn’t to honor the status of women and value her position and respect her high position; Rather, it is simply the saturation of men’s instincts and the abuse of women’s presence and achieving some kind of sensual benefit and pleasure. This is an undeniable fact, and what is actually happening in these societies, indicates this inner malice and malice, in which there is absolutely no pity or compassion.
Accumulation: In the above societies, everyone is crazy about increasing their capital. In these societies, values, moral standards, and human virtues have given way to extravagance and wealth. The center of family and marital relationship has been melted in the hot furnace of worldliness, and material things are the first and last goal of life. This is why the head of the family in these societies isn’t willing to provide for their expenses and alimony as long as his wife and daughter are able to work and earn money in any possible way. Such women and girls have to turn to alleys and markets, workshops and fields to earn their living and necessities. On the other hand, most business operators and owners of production workshops and commercial properties use the female workforce with low wages to promote the market and attract customers.
They use the beauty and elegance of the woman, which the creator created for the peace of mind of the husband and a life of purity and conjugal intimacy, in order to satisfy material purposes, acquire huge funds, develop the market and prosper their business; For this reason, they use attractive photos of women in advertisements and commercial messages to introduce their goods and products. In other words, what is being done today in the East and the West, especially in the industrialized and advanced countries, as women’s participation and presence in the fields of life, is nothing but oppression, rape and injustice, humiliation and insult to women.
Now it is necessary to pay attention to the point that in order to explain the duties and way of life of a woman, to recognize her goodness and virtue and to do what causes happiness and dignity, growth and advancement of a woman, what source should be used and basically to make a decision and express an opinion on this matter. What authority and source should be entrusted to?