Author: Shukran Ahmadi
Da’wah’s Necessity and Method in the Modern world (2nd part)
The first step is to correct the individual
Man is the flower of creation, and the reform of society depends on the reform of individuals. The foundations of a society are strengthened when it has strong people, and individuals become strong when they are reformed. The reform of the individual precedes the reform of society; in fact, individuals form the basis of society, and da’wah begins with the individual. When a person is invited, and his relationship with his Creator is established, surely society also establishes its relationship with its Creator. And if a person becomes a supplicant, society also becomes a supplicant. Each person is a building block of society, and from this foundation, people become strong. Therefore, changing one’s intellectual structure, practical structure, and perspective benefits society, and no individual can be reformed except through invitation. It is an invitation that creates a revolution within, and in fact, it is a revolution that is formed from within each person.
The invitation is the secret of the life and growth of nations
In any society where the Da’wa movement is revived, that society will be alive and flourishing, and in any movement where there is no Da’wah, that movement will die and eventually give its place to another. Hazrat Maulana Ashiq Elahi, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked: “What is the reason that some Islamic movements are progressing and, on the contrary, others are declining?” He answered: “Any movement that has a da’wah will have life and progress and will increase in number; On the contrary, a movement or a nation that abandons the invitation, will certainly end its life and stop growing and progressing, and its number will decrease. Da’wah makes the society healthy, uplifting, sustainable and reformed, and in fact, Da’wah and propaganda in the right way is like the backbone of the body of Islam, which is the basis, strength, expansion and progress of Islam, and without it, the status Islam doesn’t become true.
The Need for Da’wah (Invitation) in This Days and Age
The need for invitation is felt more acutely now than in any other era. Today, the world presents its valuable goods to people through illusory and absurd advertisements, which dominate worldly affairs. Christianity and false religions prey on the pure and untainted minds of young people—who are the heart of the Muslim community—by inviting them into their misleading beliefs. Currently, the proponents of falsehood awaken the sleeping and heedless masses, attracting others to their ideas through persistent calling and propaganda. They utilize every available propaganda tool for the promotion of their false religions. Using radio, television, tape, computer, and the internet, they introduce themselves to the world and spread their beliefs through advertising. They invest all their capital, talent, time, and leisure into these efforts. Where their voices or writings cannot reach through the internet, they mobilize their followers to go there on foot, endure hardships, and disseminate their beliefs.
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