Author: Abu Raef
Secularism (Part 21)
Darwin’s theory and teachings of Islam
The theory of evolution of all kinds and changes to them throughout the history of the emergence of creatures, even among Muslim scholars, is certain, and many Islamic writers have mentioned it in their books. Even at the beginning of Islam and the emergence of the invitation of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the expansion of the Creator of Allah, the reasoning of the subject of the evolution of beings, and that they have experienced various examples and forms throughout history, and in the end have become one of the ways to reason for reasoning. The proof of the unity of Allah has been the exaltation of their essence.
But what makes Darwin’s theory is unacceptable and unbelievable is that this theory was aimed at rejecting their divine power and being creative, and it has been intended to make beings independent in their evolution and survival and lack of need for the essence of God.
Numerous Muslim scholars have cited this theory from the past and have not regarded it as opposed to Islamic theories and views, but have considered it a way to prove the power and creativity of Allah, such as “Imam Fakhr al -Din Razi”.” Ibn Khaldun “,” Molana Jalaluddin Romi “,” Imam Muhammad bin Musa al -Damiri “,” Farabi “and contemporary scholaqad “,” Mohammad Qatb “and etc… have mentioned this.
Part of the views of Muslim scholars on the evolution of creatures
Imam Fakhr al -Din Razi, a famous interpreter and philosopher of the Islamic world, writes in the Book of Eastern Investigations: “The human body has found that it is components of specific values of elements that have experienced a special effect and that effectiveness of the gathering. Those components have special values. Undoubtedly these components are possible on those values, and it is possible to work in a specific way, and what is suspended on the possible object is possible; Therefore, the human body is achieved by the manufacturing method.
Imam Ibn Khaldoun, an Islamic sociologist and philosopher, writes about the evolution of beings: “Then look at the world of evolution, how it emerged from mines, then plants, and then the world of animals in a surprising way, gradually. The last horizon of mines is connected to the first horizon of plants such as weeds and seedless plants, and the last horizon of plants such as date trees and grapes is connected to the beginning of the horizon of animals such as snails and oysters, and these two only have the ability to touch. … and the world of animals has expanded, and its types have become numerous, and at the end of the gradual process of development, humans, who have thoughts and ideas, has ended Also, the development of man originated from the world of monkeys, where there was only sense and perception, but there was no thinking, idea, and practical thought, and this was the first horizon of man.
Imam Ahmad bin Sahl al-Balkhi, one of the famous Islamic scholars and philosophers, writes: “Man is born from moisture. At first, you cover him with something like fish scales. When years passed by, he started to dry up and those flakes went away from him. This is the summary of their speech about the way animals appear and Adam is also an animal. Therefore, according to some of them, Adam was born from the moisture of the earth, just as other living creatures were born, and his skin was like fish scales, and according to others, Adam appeared gradually and was combined with time and became a human being.