Author: Zaid
Federalism, From Recognition to Implementation (Part 5)
Expansion of federalism in the Asian continent
In the last half of the 20th century, quasi-federal organizations were established in the Asian continent, and some countries of this continent gradually accepted this system. For example, we can mention the following: In 1945, the countries of India and China joined this system; In 1948, Myanmar; In 1949, Indonesia; In 1950, India; In 1956, Pakistan; In 1963, Somalia; In 1971, the United Arab Emirates and… turned to this system to some extent.
Definition of important terms that exist in the Federal system
After getting acquainted with the historical background of federalism, it is now necessary to open the discussion and analyze it from the perspective of terms.
Dr. Maha Bastami says: Countless scientific discussions have been held about the definition of Federalism terms. We can summarize all these discussions in the fact that there are three types of terms in the discussion of federalism:
1. The first term: Federal political organizations.
2. The second term: Federal Unions.
3. The third term: Federalism.
These three terms are standard and include all government systems that have different levels. In general, federalism means: The stability of unity and solidarity between the people and the government, not focusing on a particular point for a party or group and maintaining both of them at the same time.”
Other names of the federalism system from the Viewpoint of some Arab politicians
Dr. Daniyal Al-Azar has also mentioned other names that are almost similar to federalism or are among its types and forms. A summary of them is as follows:
1. <الاتحادات> (Unions): Groups that work together and promote domestic politics.
2. <اتحادات لامرکزیة دستوریة> (Decentralized mandated unions): unions that are not centralized and exist in every corner of a country; But the order and law are the same for all and it is based on their union.
3. <أنظمة فدرالیة> (Federal Organizations): different federal organizations in the world that share some things.
4. <فدرالیة لاتمثیلیة> (Federalism without allegory): federalism system without allegory and empty of action.
5. <الدولة المشارکة> (Joint Government): The government that share some laws with each other.
6. <السیادة المشترکة> (Joint Leadership): joint leadership and supervision of the country by several active parties or groups.
7. <التحالف غیر الرسمي> (Informal Agreement): An informal agreement and alliance between the parties of a country.
8. <التحالف العصبیة> (Ethnic Pact): A pact and solidarity between different ethnic groups that come under a law established by them.
9. <السلطات الوظیفیة المشترکة> (Common Functional Powers): Common functional powers that include all political parties of a country and each of them is given a type of power in the region.
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