Author: Zaid
Hazrat Firouz Dilmi, “MAPH” (Part 6)
Firouz Dilmi, (MAPH) in the field of narration the hadiths
As mentioned in the previous sections, Hazrat Syedna Firouz Dilmi, may Allah be pleased with him, was among the people who came from a remote place; Like Sana’a, Yemen and Abyssinia, it was honored to visit the Holy Prophet (PBUH) many times. He would raise questions in their presence and narrate to others the hadiths he heard from the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
To validate his traditions, it is enough that many of his hadiths have been mentioned by the imams of hadith and jurisprudence in their works; In this case, we can refer to the Sahih Companions and Sunan Arba’a. The answer to the question of how many hadiths have been narrated from him is difficult and cannot be collected quickly. But it is clear that he is not among the people whose number of hadiths is very few, nor is he among the people whose number of hadiths reaches hundreds or thousands; Rather, he is among the people who are in the middle class and have narrated an average number of hadiths.
As an example, I will only mention three narrations from his hadiths; For example: Imam Ahmad ibn Muhammad Hanbal, may Allah have mercy on him, in his  book “Musnad Ahmad”, narrates from his teacher, Imam Haysam Ibn khareja, may Allah have mercy on him, that his sheikh, Imam Zamra, narrates from Imam Yahya Ibn Abu Amr Shibani that Hazrat Abdullah, the son of Hazrat Firouz Dilmi, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates from his father who said: «قال رسول‌الله صلى‌الله‌عليه‌وسلم لينقضن الإسلام عروة عروة كما ينقض الحبل قوة قوة»؛ “The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, ‘Islam will lose power one by one and gradually, just as a rope is broken force by force.’”
If Muslims are united and coherent, Islam and Muslims will never be harmed, and they will become stronger day by day. Just like a strong and tangled rope will never break apart, but if Muslims avoid unity and solidarity and the enemies of Islam find a place among them and tear them apart like Tartar ropes; In this case, dear Islam will slowly be torn apart.
Imam Nuruddin Haysami, may Allah have mercy on him, narrates in his book «مجمع الزوائد و منبع الفوائد» from Hazrat Syedna Firouz Dilmi, may Allah have mercy on him, that he said: «إن وفد ثقيف قدموا على رسول‌الله صلى‌الله‌عليه‌وسلم فقالوا: رأيناه يصلي في نعلين متقابلتين»؛ “A group from the Saqif tribe came to the service of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, and after returning from there, they told us: “We saw the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, wearing two slippers (slippers) similar to each other and praying.” This means that if someone wears slippers and prays, there is no Sharia problem, provided that the slippers are clean.
Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad Shibani (may Allah have mercy on him) also narrates from his teacher Imam Abdul Wahab Ibn Zahhak (may Allah have mercy on him) in his book called «الآحاد والمثاني» that his Sheikh Imam Ismail Ayash (may Allah have mercy on him) heard a hadith from his teacher Imam Uza’i (may Allah have mercy on him) which was narrated by Imam Abd al-Wahab Ibn Abulbaba (may Allah have mercy on him). It is narrated from Sayyidna Firouz Dilmi, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said: «قال رسول‌الله صلى‌الله‌عليه‌وسلم: صوت يكون في رمضان. قالوا: يا رسول‌الله! يكون في أوله أو في وسطه أو في آخره؟ قال: لا، بل في النصف من رمضان، إذا كان ليلة نصف ليلة الجمعة يكون صوت من السماء يصعق له سبعون ألفاً ويخرس له سبعون ألفا ويعمي سبعون ألفاً ويفيق سبعون ألفاً ويصم سبعون ألفاً. قالوا: يا رسول‌الله! فمن السالم من أمتك؟ قال من لزم بيته وتعوذ بالسجود وجهر بالتكبير لله عزوجل، ثم يتبعه صوت آخر، فالصوت الأول صوت جبريل عليه‌السلام والثاني صوت شيطان والصوت في شهر رمضان، والمعمعة في شوال، وتميز القبائل في ذي‌القعدة، ويغار على الحاج في ذي‌الحجة، وفي المحرم وأما المحرم أوله بلاء على أمتي وآخره فرج لأمتي، الراحلة في ذلك الزمان بعينها ينجو عليها المؤمن خير من دسكرة تغل مائة ألف.
Translation: Once the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said in a group of his companions: “In the holy month of Ramadan, a kind of sound is heard.” The Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon them) said: “O Messenger of Allah! Is this sound at the beginning of Ramadan, or in the middle of it, or at the end of it? The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “No, but in the middle of the month of Ramadan, when it is night, this sound is heard. On the night of the half month of Ramadan (15th night), which is midnight on Friday, this sound is heard from the sky; so that seventy thousand people faint upon hearing it; Seventy thousand people become dumb; Seventy thousand people become blind ; Seventy thousand people will come to their senses and seventy thousand people will become deaf.
The companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “O Messenger of Allah! So who among your nation will be safe from this punishment?
The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said: Whoever takes his house as necessary (to protect himself from external temptations) and seeks refuge from Allah Almighty through prostration and says Takbeer to Allah Almighty in a loud voice. After that, another voice comes after the first voice, the first voice is from Gabriel and the second voice is from Satan. This sound, which is in the form of a sound, occurs in the month of Ramadan, and the sound that is filled with fear and terror occurs in the month of Shawwal, and the recognition and differentiation of tribes occurs in the month of Zul-Qaida, and in the month of Zul-Hijjah, pilgrims are respected, zealous, and sacred. In the first month of Muharram, it is a test for my Ummah, and the end of it is a relief for my Ummah.
These were some examples of the hadith narrations of Hazrat Firouz, may Allah be pleased with him, who learned from the presence of the Holy Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him.
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