The media, including visual, audio, written, and virtual space, play a positive and influential role in societies and are responsible for their intellectual, ideological, practical, and economic direction. Today, they still have an impact on society in a new and mutated way, and in a sense, they have placed control everyone in their control.
The media are responsible for public information and social guidance in society. This means that the media should work for the intellectual advancement of all classes of society, inform people about the situation, make individuals, social institutions, and offices aware of their responsibilities for guarding and defending religious, national, social, and cultural values, and meditate on the performance of rulers and officials in a proper and positive way. They should also stimulate the talented people of society towards intellectual and literary initiatives, strengthen and promote the literary taste of society, examine types of literature that influence the emotions and feelings of society towards goodness and higher human goals, and discourage evil, cruelty, and vulgarity from taking root in people’s hearts forever.
Modern Media is divided into three parts:
1- Print media: Magazines, books, news, etc., which are printed and designed in various forms and available to the public.
2- Visual media: One of the most significant and visited media today is visual media, such as television, cinema, theater, etc., which play a crucial role in guiding the minds of the general public. Among the other two types of media, visual media is much more effective and important, playing a more fundamental role in fulfilling the duties of the media.
3- Audio media: This type of media has been common among the general public for a long time, and nations have benefited from it. These media are similar to radio and cassettes. Radio, in particular, is the most important and effective and can be active anywhere on earth.
The significant part of colonialism and the colonialists’ intellectual dominance in Afghanistan focused on the media and mass communication tools. They had planned special investment and funding for this sector, propagating and spreading their cultural and intellectual attack and their violent religious and intellectual attack through this route.
They had calculated and regular plans in this field, and the planning and division of tasks and media affairs were followed by colonialists and the embassies of occupying countries in a regular and purposeful manner. The main focus of the colonialists in the field of media publications was on the young generation of Afghanistan and their intellectual, ideological, religious, and sexual seduction and deviation. They spared no effort to achieve these goals.