Author: Dr. Fazl Ahmad Ahmadi
An Overview in Zoroastrianism (1st part)
The history of humanity contains much evidence of various beliefs, one of the most important of which is religious beliefs. Among religious beliefs, there is enough plurality and pluralism, and the first separation between religious beliefs is the separation based on heavenly religions and human religions. Among a multitude of beliefs and convictions, it is not yet clear whether Zoroastrian religion is a heavenly religion or a human belief of a reformed person.
According to this article, the basic question of this research is, how is Zoroastrian religion and what values does it have? By using the descriptive-analytical method and with the help of library sources and other available sources, these findings are obtained that Zoroastrianism or Magusism, which is also known in Islamic literature, is one of the religions that existed several centuries BC and It has many followers. The main assets of this religion are moral beliefs and human virtue, and until now the followers of this religion are present in various Asian countries.
Keywords: religion, Zoroastrianism, Avesta, Gathas, morals and followers.
The history of humanity contains much evidence of different beliefs and this multiplicity of beliefs and multiplicity of groups is one of the beauties that is exemplified by the verses of the Qur’an that say “We have divided you into groups so that you may know each other is. According to different types and numerous differences, one of the major differences is religious beliefs. Among religious beliefs, there is enough plurality and pluralism, and the first separation between religious beliefs is the separation based on heavenly religions and human religions. Among a multitude of heavenly and human beliefs and beliefs, it is not yet clear with certainty whether the Zoroastrian religion is the heavenly religion or the human belief of a reformed person. The researchers’ findings show that Zoroaster was a prophet and messenger of Allah, and this is the reason why a number of Islamic scholars consider Zoroaster’s religion to be one of the heavenly religions and do not consider Magi to be polytheists.
The importance of research in the field of religions, especially religions that have many followers, has a special dignity and character, and one of the most important issues that cause the growth and development of the cultural life of human society is the mutual understanding of the differences and beliefs that are based on Allah’s will is placed in the institution of this human society. According to this article, the study of Zoroastrianism or the Magi is one of the cultural needs, paying attention to it causes cultural growth and development and respect for the beliefs of others.
In the field of religions, many books have been written in which different religions are mentioned. It can almost be said that in every book written about religions, there is a detailed or comprehensive discussion about Zoroastrian religion, and at the same time, a large number of articles have been written about Zoroastrianism, which are listed in the list of sources of this research. ; But the difference between this research and other existing researches is that the current research presents a general view and a brief statement of Zoroastrian beliefs, so that the reader can imagine the Zoroastrian religion in his mind.
According to the problem design, importance and background of the research, the basic question of this research is how Zoroastrian religion is a religion and what values does it have?
By using the descriptive-analytical method and with the help of library sources and other available sources, these findings are obtained that the religion of Zoroastrianism, or Magianism, which is also known in Islamic literature, is one of the religions that existed several centuries and it has many followers. The main assets of this religion are moral beliefs and human goodness, and the followers of this religion are still present in various Asian countries, and the main books of this religion are “Avesta and Gathas”, which have been identified as the holy books of Zoroastrian religion.