Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Imam Shah Waliullah Muhaddis Dehlawi “R.H” (Part Two)
Imam Shah Waliullah was a prolific and versatile author. His works number over one hundred books and treatises, of which about thirty have been published, while the rest remain in manuscript form or have been lost.
His works were written in both Arabic and Persian, and some have recently been translated into English. Some of his notable works include: ” الطاف القدس فی معرفة لطائف النفس، الانتباه فی سلاسل اولیاء اللّه‌ و اتحاف النبیه فی ما یحتاج الیه المحدّث والفقیه”Of particular importance in terms of discussion and research are his Quranic works, the most prominent of which is “Fath al-Rahman: A Translation of the Quran.” According to Shah Waliullah himself, this translation and its proofreading were completed in 1151 AH (1738 CE).
«الفوز الکبیر فی اصول التفسیر» which is a compact and full-of-brain treatise on the principles and foundations of Quran interpretation. And “Introduction to the Laws of Translation” is a short and unpublished treatise on the principles and correct methods of Quran translation, his Persian letters are also kept in several libraries in India, and in the works of Allama Shah Waliullah, in addition to theological and social and metaphysical topics, and there are also the views of economics and politics.
He is the owner of various Monuments in the field of Quranic sciences, including:
  1. الإرشاد الی مهمات علم الإسناد؛
  2. انسان العین فی مشایخ الحرمین؛
  3. عقد الجید فی احکام الإجتهاد والتقلید؛
  4. الفوز الکبیر فی أصول التفسیر؛
  5. حجة الله البالغة؛
  6. أجوبة عن ثلاث مسائل؛
  7. الإنصاف فی بیان سبب الإختلاف؛
  8. تنویر العینین فی رفع الیدین؛
  9. رسائل الدهلوی؛
  10. شرح تراجم أبواب صحیح البخاری؛
  11. فتح الخبیر فی أصول التفسیر؛
  12. القول الجمیل فی أصول الطرق الأربع النقشبندیة والجیلانیة والجشتیة والمجددیة.
Shah Waliullah Dehlawi spent his life in teaching, guiding and authoring and dedicated his existence to the education of a generation of Da’wah and Mujahideen. Therefore, a large number of knowledge bearers and reformers of the Islamic Ummah were trained under his supervision, among which the following people can be mentioned:
1. His son, Shah Muhammad, may Allah have mercy on him, who died in 1208 AHS.
2. His other son, Shah Abd al-Aziz, may Allah have mercy on him, who inherited the knowledge and perfections of his father, one of his most famous works is the interpretation of the Holy Quran called “Fath al-Aziz” or Tafsir Azizi, as well as “بستان المحدثین” and ” تحفة اثنا عشریة”.
3. Shah Rafi Ul-Din, another son of Shah Waliullah, who had a genius in religious and intellectual sciences.
4. Shah Abd al-Qadir, his fourth son, who was known for his meekness, humility, piety and following the Sunnah.
5. Shah Abdul Ghani, the last son of Shah Waliullah, whose son is Imam Shah Ismail, Shaheed, and Mujahid may Allah have mercy on him.
6. Shah Muhammad Ashiq Falati, the cousin of Shah Waliullah, who spent a long time with him and learned intellectual and narrative sciences from him, and it was with his advice that Shah Waliullah wrote the precious book “Hujjatallah Al-Balagha” take off as he says in the introduction of “Hujjat Allah al-Balagheh”:«إذ تفطن أجلّ إخوانی لدی وأکرم خلاّنی علی محمد المعروف بالعاشق، لازال محفوظاً من کل طارق وغاسق، بمنزلة هذا العلم.»
7. Sheikh Khwaja Mohammad Amin Kashmiri.
8. Allama Makhdoom Mohammad Moin and many others who benefited from his knowledge and understanding.
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