Author: Obaidullah Nimruzi
Allama Syed Abul Hasan Nadwi, R.H (1st part)
Allama Nadwi, may Allah’s mercy be upon him, is considered one of the prominent and rare scholars of the Indian subcontinent, he has provided valuable and mind-boggling services in a very short period of time, services such as his valuable services in the field of Islamic awakening, the revival of the Arabic language, the renewal of religious and political science education methods, and the creation of new Islamic thinking. facilitating the books of the predecessors in a very easy style, benevolence and compassion for the members of the Islamic Ummah, foresight, fiery and scholarly lectures and speeches, authoring books in different dimensions and creating a school of Nadwi thinking, and in short, it can be said that he is a comprehensive character with good deeds of Salaf Salih and Khalaf.
Keywords: Allama Nadwi, Abul Hasan Nadwi and Nadwa.
As humanity is the flagship of creatures; Prophets, peace be upon them, are also the flagship of humanity. After the Prophets of Allah, the Companions of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions, and those who follow them in favor of the day of the religion (Tabeen) and after them, the religious scholars and the saints of the Ummah, are considered the most privileged class of humanity.
Yes! The existence of these pure and sincere human beings has always been and continues to be the adornment and beauty of the garden of humanity and the reason for its pride. who dedicate their lives for the prosperity and happiness of people’s livers and do not hesitate to give advice and benevolence to anyone. They are actually not only for humanity; Rather, they are a source of good and blessing for all Allah’s creatures; Just as the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him, is a mercy to the worlds, these are also the shadow of Allah’s mercy, and their existence is a ray of the Prophet’s miracles.
Or in other words, the Islamic world has seen many ups and downs from the beginning of the days of the rise of Islam to the present era, and there have been tremendous transformations in its path, which Allah (S.W.T), in order to restore it to its original path and revive it, at every moment of Time has assigned pure men with excellent qualifications and pure and clear thoughts to raise knowledge in the way of removing and eliminating the dust of darkness, deviation, heresy and negligence, and to bring the lost honor and the hidden truth into existence. In this regard, each one of them, in turn, used different and new solutions in this way and left valuable masterpieces, these people are called “renovators”.
Almighty Allah knows his servants better than others; But according to the opinions and assumptions of many people who have good hearts and clear consciences, the great thinker and the great Da’watgar and the Imam of the Islamic Da’wa in the 20th century were from this lineage.
Yes! The personality and thoughts of Imam Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, may Allah have mercy on him, make people wonder. In short, he is a reliable and pure leader, a preacher, a creative professor and lecturer, a thoughtful and unique thinker, a benevolent and reforming politician, a masterful writer and Dar Ashna, an informed and Allah-seeking analyst and researcher, an eloquent and idealist, a far-sighted and open-hearted Muslim, a resourceful and law-abiding manager, an ascetic and pious sheikh, an exemplary and wise coach, a trustworthy and accurate advisor, a kind and caring father, a mystic and a clear conscience. He was a bright, capable and well-known writer, a careful world traveler and a full-fledged role model.
Hazrat Allama Seyed Abul Hassan Nadwi, may Allah have mercy on him, stepped into the field of existence and activity when British colonialism had conquered India, and the last remnants of the Islamic caliphate were declining. The dignity, life and social life of the Muslims was disintegrated, and its Arab and non-Arabic parts fell apart, the Islamic world was practically torn apart, the colonialists celebrated their victory over the displaced people of the Islamic Caliphate and their political, intellectual and cultural dance throughout They started the Islamic world.
Allama Syed Abul Hasan Nadwi, may Allah have mercy on him, who was blessed by Allah with a sensitive nature and abundant Islamic understanding and zeal, observed this chaotic situation. The Islamic world became very thoughtful and worried and felt the void of a great inviter, leader and aware of the needs and challenges of the day in the world. It was here that he first began to evolve his essence, and, in the words of Allama Iqbal Lahori, he evolved the “self” in his existence and became an example: «الذین يبلغون رسالات الله و یخشونه ولا يخشون أحدا إلا الله»
In order to be able to deliver the message of Islam to the ends of the Islamic world and especially the Arab world, Syed Abul Hassan Nadwi, may Allah have mercy on him, acquired a special skill in Arabic language and literature and sought the benefit of its experts. He became proficient in English language and literature and learned the sciences of hadith, jurisprudence and interpretation from its experts.
Allama Syed Abul Hasan Nadwi, may Allah have mercy on him, did not limit himself to the external sciences; Rather, in the field of studying spirituality and certainty and the evolutionary degrees of faith, he communicated with the most perfect people and benefited from the special favors of the heart-lovers of his time.