Author: "Abu Aisha"
Mu’tazila (32nd part)
Introduction: Enjoining good and forbidding evil is one of the most important duties and responsibilities of this nation (Islamic nation), because its position is very high; therefore, the conditions, pillars, and issues related to it also have a high position.
In this section, we try to explain the benefits of enjoining good and forbidding evil, the conditions of enjoining and prohibiting, and also examine the issue of Imamate.
The benefits of enjoining good and forbidding evil
Scholars and researchers have listed many benefits for “enjoining the good and forbidding the evil” and we will discuss some of these benefits here. These benefits are either returned to the principal and prohibited, or to the principal who is prohibited, or to the public.
1. The benefits that come back to the one who orders good and forbids evil:
a. His relief from this great and heavy responsibility.
b. Establishing the authority of Allah Almighty over His creatures.
c. Testimony on creatures; Imam Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, says: “People should be ordered to obey Allah, and if they are disobeyed, they will be witnesses on the Day of Judgment against those who disobeyed.”
d. Paying some of the rights of Allah Almighty, such as thanking the blessings of Almighty Allah (the owner of blessings and the one who has given many blessings) for the many blessings he has bestowed, including the health of the body and its well-being.
e. Obtaining reward.
f. Forgiveness of the sins of the person who enjoins good and forbids evil.
G. Salvation from the worldly and hereafter punishment that Allah has promised to those who neglect or abandon this responsibility.
h. Being similar to the prophets and messengers and taking on the responsibility of calling (Da’wa) and following in their path.
I. Creating attraction in the hearts of the people.
2. The benefits that belong to the agent and the negator:
a. The hope of benefit and perseverance in this path.
b. Providing means to achieve worldly and hereafter salvation.
3. Benefits that are for the public:
a. Establishing religion, sharia, and maintaining belief.
b. Removal of universal and public punishment.
c. The revelation of the blessings of Allah Almighty; [Because this work decreases sins and attracts the mercy of Almighty Allah].
d. Strengthening the believer, enhancing their efforts and discouraging the hypocrites.
e. By carrying out the responsibility of enjoining good and forbidding evil, Muslims are motivated and avoid base and worthless things.
F. Testing of creations, some by others.
G. Enjoining the good and forbidding evil leads to victory over the enemies.
h. Fulfilling the description of the goodness of this nation by fulfilling the responsibility of enjoining good and forbidding evil; [Because, as scholars have said: This description will endure as long as this nation is characterized by the attribute of enjoining good and forbidding evil].
I. Avoiding the attributes of hypocrites and clarifying the difference between the attributes of believers and hypocrites.
j. Maintaining standards and ensuring clarity of concepts so that the denier becomes apparent to people, and they discern between what is evil and what is good.