Author: Shokran Ahmadi
sacrifice meat
An animal in which several people share, its meat should be divided according to weight, not according to estimation.
It is best to divide the meat of the sacrifice into three parts: keep a part of it for your family. He should divide the second part among his friends and loved ones and give the third part to the poor and needy; And he who has many family members can keep all the meat for himself.
It is forbidden to sell the meat of the sacrifice.
It isn’t permissible to give the meat or skin of the victim as a wage to the slaughterer and slaughterer (butcher), his wage must be paid separately.
Of the halal meat of animals, eating seven parts of them is haram and abominable, prohibited (close to) haram: 1. Flowing blood (the blood that spills when slaughtering an animal is definitely haram); 2. penis of a male animal; 3. Testicle (testicles); 4. The genitals of a female animal; 5. Glands (cysts); 6. Bladder; 7. Venus (gallbladder); Eating the last six is a prohibited makrooh (close to haram).[1]
sacrifice skin
It is permissible for the victim’s owner to use the victim’s skin himself; For example: make a mosque or something else such as a bucket etc.; But if he sells it, it isn’t permissible for him to use its price, but it is obligatory to give it in charity, and it is not permissible to sell the skin of the victim without the intention of charity.[2]
. It isn’t permissible to give the skin of a victim as an exchange for service or wages; Therefore, it is not correct to give it as remuneration to the muezzin and imam of the mosque, etc.
The best way to use the skin of the victims is the poor and needy students of religious schools, where there is both the reward of charity and the service of reviving religious sciences. But it is not permissible to pay the salaries of teachers and school staff.
Sacrifice rituals
Issue: It is better to keep the victim at home a few days before slaughtering and take care of its water and grass. Because the bowing of the sacrifice has been decreed, where Allah Almighty says: «وَمَنْ يُعْظِمْ شَعَائِرَ اللهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِنْ تَقْوَى القُلوبِ»
Translation: “And whoever honors the divine rites (sacrifice), this is a sign of the piety of the hearts.”
Issue: It isn’t permissible to milk or cut the hair of an animal that has been prescribed for sacrifice, and if it is milked due to necessity, it is necessary to give it as charity. Also, if its hair is cut, it is necessary to give it as charity.
Issue: It is recommended that the sacrificer stand facing the Qiblah.
Issue: It is recommended to sharpen the knife well before slaughtering so that the victim isn’t hurt during the slaughtering. And after slaughtering, until the animal is cold and motionless, he doesn’t start pulling the skin and cutting it into pieces.
Issue: Don’t slaughter one animal in front of another animal.
And in the end, one should not forget that during the days of Eid, doing good and pleasant things such as meeting and visiting relatives and friends, letting go of enmity and grudge, envy and hatred and cleansing the heart from all these diseases, showing kindness and paying attention to the needy and the poor. And orphans, helping them and making their hearts happy should not be forgotten, as these actions are acceptable to the Shariah and the order of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, to the Ummah.
We ask the Almighty Allah for everyone to do what he likes and is pleased with, and to make us aware of our religion and make us among those who do something in these ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah, right and pure and for Allah’s pleasure. Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.
Al-Bukhari Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Al-Mughirah Sahih Al-Bukhari, Publishing and Distribution House.
Al-Basri, Al-Dimashqi, Imad Al-Din Abu Al-Fuda Ismail bin Amr, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, Beirut, Lebanon.
Al-Tirmidhi, Abu Issa Muhammad bin Issa bin Sura, Sunan Al-Tirmidhi, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon. Second Edition.
Tahanvi, Maulana Ashraf Ali Zayur Behesht, Al-Bishri Library, Karachi, Pakistan.
Al-Dimashqi, Ibn Abidin, Muhammad Amin bin Omar bin Abdulaziz Abidin Radd Al-Muhtar, Dar Alam Al-Kutub Library, Riyadh.
Al-Razi, Al-Jassas, Al-Hanafi, Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Ali, Ahkam Al-Qur’an, Dar Ihya’ Al-Turath.
Al-Qushayri, Al-Naysaburi Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj Abu Al-Hasan Sahih Al-Muslim, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon.
Al-Marginani, Burhan al-Din Ali bin Abi Bakr al-Hidayah fi Sharh al-Bidaya, Arab Heritage Revival House – Beirut – Lebanon
Mufti Ahmad Mamtaz, the rulings and matters of sacrifice.