Author: Shokran Ahmadi

An economic question

When a person is oblivious to spirituality and simply falls into the glamor of material things and material desires, matter and appearance become his all and the purpose of his science and art, the complete power of Allah Almighty and His wonderful system are hidden from his view, and all acts of worship are appeared inanimate rituals in his eyes.; In particular, the issue of sacrifice has emerged as an economic problem, and he or she believes that if this huge amount of money that is spent on sacrifice every year and has no other benefit than eating meat for three days, is spent on welfare works and public facilities, It will be better many more; But a truthful person, for whom the reform of the nation’s morals and actions comes before feeding them and satisfying their carnal pleasures, knows very well that the problem of people’s stomach and bread will be solved safely and peacefully when a person is a real person and is decorated with morals, otherwise, due to banditry, deception, theft and pickpocketing, no one will be safe and secure. By hoarding, the price of life’s necessities increases and by bribery, people’s rights are taken away. Just as this person considers spending money for the education of the nation more important than their other needs, he gives more importance to spending money in order to refine human morals.
Observations and experiences are proof that there is no superior version of fearing Allah and seeking His pleasure for improving morals and correcting human actions. The attraction of obeying the Almighty Allah is an attraction that prevents a person from committing crimes even in solitude, and the sacrifice has a significant effect in strengthening this attraction; Therefore, the salvation and improvement of the Ummah and the nation is not connected to promoting the carnal desires of gathering wealth and protecting it, which hinders the sacrifice, but the true welfare and salvation of the Ummah is connected in spending this money with passion and enthusiasm in order to create the attraction of sacrifice.
By understanding this fact, we come to the conclusion that the purpose of the sacrifice is never to eat or be eaten by meat; rather, its purpose is to comply with a Shariah order, to revive the Abrahamic tradition, and to cultivate the spirit of sacrifice. The Holy Qur’an itself has made the mentioned truth clear as follows: «لَن يَنَالَ اللهَ لُحُومُهَا وَلَا دِمَاؤُهَا ولكن يَنَالُهُ التَّقْوَى مِنْكُمْ»Translation: “The flesh and blood of the sacrifice do not reach Allah, Han! Piety, it means that the attraction of your obedience reaches him.” The meaning is that the meat and skin of the sacrifice is not the intention of the Sharia, but the main purpose of the sacrifice is to create the attraction of obedience and servitude, for this reason this meat was not halal for the past nations, but it was made halal specifically for this nation.
Another problem with the issue of sacrifice is that within three days, hundreds of thousands of animals are slaughtered, the occurrence of this loss on the national economy is inevitable that animals will decrease and people will face the problem of meat all year; But this idea dominates the mind of man when he is completely unaware of Allah’s perfect power and his strong and stable system.
The system of Allah’s power in the whole world is always based on the fact that whenever the need for something increases, the creation of that thing also increases, and when its necessity decreases, its production also decreases. In the same way, if a person takes pity on a well and stops drawing water from it for fear that the water will run out, its holes will be blocked and the water will be prevented from coming out into the well tank, and the more water is taken from the well, the same The amount of water increases. Calculate that in the past time, the sacrifice was killed many times more than the present time; because, as there is laxity in other rules of religion such as prayer and fasting, more laxity has been found in the issue of sacrifice. In the early centuries, each person sacrificed one hundred camels. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah Be upon him, sacrificed one hundred camels, 63of which sacrificed personally and entrusted the rest to Hazrat Ali. At such a time, it was never heard that the animal is not found or that its price has increased.
Nowadays, there is neglect and carelessness towards the sacrifice like prayer, fasting and other acts of worship, thousands of people who are legally obligated to sacrifice, do not sacrifice, the issue that the lack of animals is the result of sacrificing is completely far from reality and completely opposite.
Today, there are many countries in the world where there are Muslim settlements, no sacrifice is killed there, and no animal is reduced as a result. But despite that, the high cost of meat and animals is more noticeable and observable than us; and if someone wants to do the experiment of locking up the sacrifice in a city or a country for a year, see what a happy effect is created in the national economy? How abundant and cheap are animals, meat, milk and oil?
Allah willing, no Islamic country will be willing to experience this. In the country of India or “Bharat”, where it is not only forbidden to kill cows to the extent of the annual sacrifice; Rather, there is no such permission for the preparation of people’s daily meat, but despite that, are there cows in every street? Is the milk flowing or is the oil cheap? In communal India, when hundreds of millions of Muslims and the British army slaughtered hundreds of cows every day and sacrifices were made every year, the price of oil and milk may be more expensive at this time compared to that day; But there is no such thing as cheapness, and according to the law of nature, we think that if the consumption of cattle decreases in this way, after a short period, the production of cattle will be very low.
Isn’t this an example before the world that a hundred years ago, all the journeys were done by horses, and all the wars in the world were ended by horses, and there were countless horses for the army, but at the present time, when horses gave way to cars and airplanes. Did the horse become cheaper? Or their number decreased, their price increased?
This factory of power and its system is beyond the understanding of us humans and our suggestions. I wish Muslims who are not familiar with the truth of the sacrifice would think about it and perform the sacrifice not as a ritual or fun on the day of Eid, but with regard to its truth, they would perform it as citizens of the Abrahamic tradition, so that they would gradually see the strength in faith and action and the blessings in sincerity.
In all worships special works have been deposited, in addition to the reward; for example: from prayer, modesty and humility, from zakat, a decrease in the love of wealth and purity of heart, and from fasting and Hajj, progress in the love of Allah Almighty is obtained. In the same way, sacrificing grows faith and sincerity, strength and hard work, determination and effort.
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