The sacrifice; truth; importance and affairs (1st part)
Eid al-Adha, or the memory of the greatest selflessness and sacrifice, comes to remind the history of humanity to the great Ibrahim, peace be upon him. The 10th of Dhul-Hijjah moves all believers every year to the great Ibrahim (peace be upon him). It’s as if the world and the people of the world are each calling out: “Peace be upon you, Khalilullah, Ibrahim, the idol-breaker… Pilgrims returning from Arafat relive the memory of beheading the only liver and sacrificing him to Allah; You are like Ibrahim (peace be upon him) who appears in Mecca every year to sacrifice his only dear liver, the desire that made his eyes happy after years of prayer and prayer, his only cane of old age, dearer than his life, to Allah and only Allah.
The memory of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) comes to the people of the world every year on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah to wake up humanity from the sleep of neglect.
What is referred to as the word “qurbani” in Persian, this word is basically “Qurban” on the weight of “Qur’an”. “Sacrifice” is something that is placed as a means of getting close to Allah, whether it is a slaughtered animal or other charity and charity. Imam Abu Bakr Jisas, may Allah have mercy on him, has expressed a more general meaning; He says: “Any act that is done with the intention of being close to Allah’s mercy, it is called “qurban”. But in common sense, this word is often referred to a slaughtered animal. This word is included in several places in the Holy Quran, and in most cases, it means the same slaughtered animal.
The date of the Sacrifice
Slaughter of halal animals for the purpose of getting closer to Allah started when Adam, peace be upon him, came to this world and the world was settled. The first sacrifice was offered to the divine court by the two sons of Adam, peace be upon him, Abel and Kain ibn Kasir, may Allah have mercy on him, has quoted Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, in his interpretation of this verse: “Abel offered a sheep and Cain some grain from the crops of their land as charity, but as usual, the heavenly fire consumed Abel’s sacrifice and left Cain’s charity. » The sign of acceptance or rejection of the sacrifice in the time of the past prophets was that the accepted sacrifice was burned and destroyed by heavenly fire; As it is clearly stated in Surah Al-Imran: “«قُرْبَانٍ تَأْكُلُهُ النَّارُ» ” translation: “A sacrifice that is consumed by fire”. At that time, the booty that was obtained from the infidels in Jihad was also burned by heavenly lightning.
And this was a sign of the acceptance of that Jihad; But this is one of Allah’s special rewards for the Muhammadan Ummah, peace and blessings be upon him, that you made the meat of the sacrifice and the booty lawful for them.
In a hadith, the Holy Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, while describing Allah’s special virtues and rewards, said to them: “«أحلت لي الغنائم»”; Translation: “The booty has been made lawful for me.” For this reason, some of the infidels at the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, refused to accept Islam as an excuse that during the time of the past prophets, the sacrifices were destroyed by heavenly lightning; Therefore, we will not believe in you until this is seen in your religion. In Surah Al-Imran, while explaining their excuse, Allah replied that: “Prophets came to you before me and brought clear reasons and what you said; So why did you kill them, if you are telling the truth?!”; So it turned out that your speech is not for seeking rights; It is just an excuse.
In summary, from the mentioned verse of Surah Ma’ida, it was proved that the first animal that was used as a means of worship and approach to Allah was in the time of Adam, and from the verse of Surah Al-Imran, it became clear that the special method of accepting the sacrifice; It has been known among all the former prophets since it was burned by lightning before the Golden Age of Prophets.
Sacrifice; The Sunnah of Ibrahim peace be upon him
Although the legitimacy of the sacrifice as a form of worship has been established since the time of Adam, peace be upon him; But its special glory and greatness started from a story of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and the sacrifice is made obligatory in the Muhammadan Sharia as a memorial to Sayyedna Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his tradition. This event is a unique and instructive event in the history of the world, which is described in detail by the Holy Quran in Surah “Safat”, and in Islam, the central point of understanding the truth of the sacrifice is this story.
The truth of the Sacrifice
It turned out that the sacrifice of animals, which is obligatory for able-bodied Muslims every year, is an Abrahamic memorial. It is clear that giving the price of an animal in charity, or spending it on another’s good work, does not absolve a person of the duty of light sacrifice. In the same way that fasting and zakat are not enough instead of prayer and instead of it; Even if a person donates all his property in charity in the way of Allah, he will not be required to perform one obligatory prayer, in the same way, if a person gives an amount of charity and charity, the memorial of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and the obligatory sacrifice will not be performed.