Author:  Zaid
The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid” MAPH (8th part)
Khalid’s role in the battles of the Prophet’s mission
Keywords: Khalid, Mote, Rome, Kuffar and Fars.
Abstract: In this part of the Biography of the Sword of Allah, Hazrat Sayyidna Khalid bin Walid, MAPH, we will discuss his role in the battles and jihadi fields of the time of the Holy Prophet, PBUH.
Yes, after Khalid became a Muslim and drank the sweet cup of companionship and was honored by the Almighty Allah, now it is time for Khalid to develop his fighting and intellectual talents and present his true qualifications.
How did Khaled make up for his past sins after converting to Islam? How did he atone for the strong blows he inflicted on Islam and Muslims?
Hazrat Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, after he reached the high position of Sahabi, showed countless courage in the campaigns of the Muhammadan Prophethood, the wars of the Siddiqi Caliphate and the conquests of the Farooqi Emirate era, and proved to everyone that he is now a true follower of Islam. and is generally disgusted and exempt from ignorance and its traditions; If his role in the battle of Mote, the conquest of Makkah, the battle of Hawazen, the battle of Taif, the battle of Bani Mustalaq, Tabuk, the incident of Najran, the breaking of the Uzi temple, etc. is a witness to this claim; Therefore, in this section, we will limit ourselves only to his bravery during the reign of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him , and we will write other events, Allah willing, in future sections.
Mote’s Battle
Mote was the first campaign that Hazrat Khalid participated in after Islam. In the eighth year of AH, the Holy Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings be upon him, sent one of his self-sacrificing companions named Haris Ibn Umayr, may Allah be pleased with him, to Busri to convey the Islamic invitation. But instead of welcoming this important representative, instead of respecting the ambassador of a country and complying with international security laws, they martyred him. He decided to take serious revenge for the blood of Hazrat Haris and to make the people of Basri understand that Muslims are not weak, and he will not allow anyone to do such an act to their special representatives and allow such oppression. Therefore, he mobilized a number of Mujahideen who sacrificed their lives for Islam and sent them to an area called “Mote”.
Appointing three Amirs to command the Islamic Army
When sending the Islamic army, the Holy Prophet, PBUH, appointed Hazrat Zaid bin Harisa as the commander of the army; Then they said that when Zayd was martyred, Jafar would take the flag of Islam instead of him. Then if he was also martyred; In this case, Abdullah bin Rawaha will take the command of the Islamic Army, if he also attains the high status of martyrdom, then the Muslims will consult together and appoint one of their own and appoint him as the commander.
The confrontation of the Mujahideen army with the infidel army and the martyrdom of the Mujahideen commanders
The army of Islam moved and in an area of ​​the Balqa region called “Mute” they faced the huge army of Heracles, consisting of Romans and Arabs, the war and confrontation started and became more intense moment by moment, in these critical moments, Hazrat Zayd He was martyred due to many spears blows and surrendered his life to Allah.
Allamah Badr al-Din Aini writes: “When Hazrat Zayd was martyred, Hazrat Jafar Tayyar, may Allah be pleased with him, assumed command of the army. He also fought like a champion and drank the cup of martyrdom; They even say that his blessed body was completely split in half, and only one half had thirty wounds.
Then, Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha, may Allah be pleased with him, took charge of the affairs and advanced to some extent; But martyrdom also welcomed him, and he was martyred.
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