Author: Zaid
The Biography of the sword of Allah “Khalid bin Walid”, MAPH (5th part)
Khalid bin Walid in the arms of Islam
Abstract: In the previous parts, we discussed the birth, intelligence, intellect, and activities of Hazrat Khalid. Now it’s time to know when and how Khaled became a Muslim. For what reason and with whom did he go to Medina and pledge allegiance to the Holy Prophet of Islam? And in the end, what was the reason for his backwardness from Islam?
Yes, after years of war and conflict with Muslims, he gets tired and regrets what he has done; Finally, in the month of Safar in the eighth year of Hijri, together with Amr bin As and Usman bin Talha, MAPH, he left the city of Makkah and went to Madinah, where he met the Prophet of Islam and believed in him.
Then the Holy Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, prays for him and donates one of his lands to him and always respects and pampers him, to the extent that he includes him among the authors of revelation and standard bearers of Islam, and in many war affairs and tactics, he consults with him about it.
He also tries to be one of the true companions and friends of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him; He offset all the hostilities before Islam with leadership, command, and victory in the Jihad against the infidels and atheists, and after years of service in the way of Almighty Allah, with complete faith and firm certainty, he closed his Eyes from this world.
Now let’s get to the essence of the story and by taking inspiration from hadith and historical texts, we will open the discussion and benefit from its lessons and advice and put our trust in Allah Almighty.
When did Khaled become a Muslim?
After years of hatred and enmity towards the Prophet of Islam, PBUH, enmity with the true companions, and hatred of the holy religion of Islam and monotheism, exactly six months before the conquest of the city of Makkah, the heart of Hazrat Khalid, MAPH, opened to Islam, and he converted to this religion and faith.
 He converted to Islam in the month of Safar of the eighth year of Hijri, six months before the conquest of Makkah.
Imam Ibn Kasir of Damascus, may Allah have mercy on him, writes in his book of history, “Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihaya”: “Amr bin As, Usman bin Talha, and Khalid bin Walid, together on the first of the month of Safar, in the eighth year of the Hijri, came to the presence of the Holy Prophet, PBUH and converted to Islam”
How did Khalid become a Muslim?
Imam Abul Faraj Abdul Rahman Ibn Jozi, in his book called “Safah Al-Safwa,” narrated the story of how Khalid, may Allah be pleased with him, converted to Islam, from his own words, which I will summarize in a few lines: “When Allah Almighty wanted me to open my heart to accepting Islam with His mercy, I was saying to myself: What is the benefit of all this hatred and enmity towards Muhammad? What was the advantages of standing in front of him in all these wars? Little by little, I felt that I was coming to my senses, regretting what I had done, and Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, will definitely win in this way.
When Muhammad and his companions left for Hudaybiyah, I was also following them. It was noon prayer time, and they all prayed together. I wanted to attack them from behind at the same time. But I lost my mind and did not do this, I decided again to attack them during the evening prayer. But at the time of Asr prayer, they divided into two groups and performed their prayer in the form of the prayer of fear. At the same time, I realized that surely Muhammad is protected from another place; Therefore, I failed even then.
When the Hudaybiyah Peace Treaty was signed with Muhammad and his companions and after some time, Muhammad and his companions were able to easily enter Mecca and perform Umrah, I left the city of Mecca and did not want to see them. Should I stay here in Mecca and hold fast to my ancestral religion? Or should I go to Najashi who follows Muhammad? Or should I go to Hercules and accept Christianity or Judaism? Or should I go to Fars and join them? I was in this conflict when my brother (Waleed bin Walid) came to me in the city of Mecca. But he had not found me; So, he wrote me a letter and left it and went.
The content of that letter was: “I am surprised by you that you have gone astray with your wisdom and knowledge towards Islam!” The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, asked me where Khalid was in the city of Mecca. I said that Allah Almighty will bring him back. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: Is it possible that someone like Khalid does not understand Islam?! If he used his bravery for the benefit of the Muslims, it would definitely be beneficial for him, and we would consider him superior to others. So, my brother Khalid! I hope that you will make up for the lost opportunities and convert to Islam.
After reading this letter, I was eager to go to Medina, and I was very happy and pleased that Muhammad inquired about my condition. One night, I dreamed that I was going from a dry, waterless, place to a vast green land. When I went to Madinah, I narrated this dream to Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, and he said: “The green land” means “Islam,” and the dry land “disbelief and polytheism” that you were caught in.


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