Author: Abu Raef
Colonialism (9th part)
New colonialism and the success of colonizers
The new colonialism was able to achieve the goals that the old colonialism sought by killing and occupying the lands with the least cost. During the old colonial era, the Muslim nations prevented the colonialists from achieving their ominous goals with all kinds of sacrifices and offering millions of martyrs, wounded and exiled, but unfortunately, they surrendered to the new colonialism and laid down their weapons of resistance.
Impressed by the propaganda and rumors of the colonizers, the new Islamic generation accepted their views and ideas and followed them in various areas such as: way of life, economy, culture and thought, etc.
Allamah Seyyed Abul Hassan Nadwi, may Allah have mercy on him, writes about the struggles of the Algerian nation against the old colonialism and their defeat against the new colonialism: “The Algerian nation sacrificed millions of people for the sake of its freedom, and the only secret of this work, which has no parallel in the new era, is the love of martyrdom and enthusiasm of Jihad, and western news agencies called them with the term “Muslims”, but today they are facing the same problem (tendency to the West and the system of secularism) and their leaders are pushing their cities towards materialistic Westernization and secular communism.”
These types of thoughts and the tendency of the leaders of Islamic countries to be an intellectual and cultural colony for the Westerners, as well as the new plots and tactics of the colonizing countries to increase the growth and extent of colonialism in its new form, reveal the seriousness of the issue of “new colonialism”.
Professor “Yahya Mohammad Elias” may Allah have mercy on him, the author of the precious book “Al-Ghazo al-Fikri” (Intellectual War) writes about the new tactics of Westerners in the field of old and new colonialism: “But Europe (after the defeat in the Crusades) never rested. They never laid down their weapons of war, but began to plan for a new offensive, but this time, with new plans and new tactics.
Although the real goals of this attack were the same as the goals of the crusades, apparently the economic goals, i.e. the colonization of the nations and the seizure of the wealth and capital of the Islamic countries, were more visible than other goals. “Yes, the Westerners stepped forward this time with special cleverness and vigilance.”
The success tool of modern colonialism
In fact, modern colonialism was able to achieve its goals and destructive desires by paying much less than the old colonialism, and this issue is due to countless causes and analyses. We examined a part of them in the previous topic about the “intellectual” and “economic” colonization of the Islamic world, but this type of colonization has countless causes and reasons, and we will examine the other part now.
1- Taking over mass media and news agencies
The founders of modern colonialism, after many and systematic studies, came to the conclusion that in order to have a deeper impact on the colonized countries, they should take over the media and information tools. There is no doubt that today the opinions, tendencies, orientations and thoughts of the general public are shaped by the media, and this issue has caused the colonialists’ impressive success in broadcasting and spreading their colonial desires.
As a result of this movement, the visual, audio, written media, newspapers, magazines, etc. are under the control of the colonizers and they use them for their own purposes.
2- Extensive and misleading advertisements
The modern colonizers have launched extensive and comprehensive propaganda against the religion and teachings of the colonized countries and have directed the intellect and intelligence of the elites and the general public towards their statements, beliefs and goals, and thus, they have destroyed the Muslim nations from within with intellectual and ideological collapse and failure. have faced and with this work, without paying a fee, they have brought their colonial desires to the fore.
3- Trying to make foreign culture dominant
The colonizers have tried to implement their culture in the colonized countries with a lot of propaganda and deep cultural foundation and thereby pave the way for new colonialism and influence on the nations. are.
4- Change in the morals of nations
The colonizers were able to dominate the colonized countries when they changed their morals and manners, behavior, speech and actions and devoted themselves to their desires and goals; In such a way that the moral method of the colonized nation, the words and deeds of the youth, women and the general citizens were formed and built with the inspiration of the colonizing countries.
The new generation of Islamic countries consider their success and victory in following and imitating the western and colonizing countries and thus consider their morals and behavior as the source of all progress.
5. Accumulation of big money and wealth.
The colonizing countries, by taking advantage of the materials and pouring money and wealth into the colonized countries, have provided the ground for the implementation of their colonial thoughts and plans and have succeeded in this way.