One of the good manners is to make room for others in Meetings, mosques and roads. Dear Islam also teaches good manner in this case, where the Lord of the Universe says: «یا أَیهَا الَّذِینَ آمَنُوا إِذَا قِیلَ لَكُمْ تَفَسَّحُوا فِی الْمَجَالِسِ فَافْسَحُوا یفْسَحِ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ» “(O you who believe), Whenever it is said to you in gatherings [for others make room, then make room so that God will also make room for you”(Al- Mojadelah, V11).
Hazrat Umar Farooq, may God be pleased with him, says: “Three things make friendship and love between you and your friend, and one of those three things is making room for him in the assembly.”See the beautiful and elegantly decorated scene in this way of the Prophet of God, (PBUH); When the Prophet of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, was sitting in the mosque, an Arab man entered the mosque, the Messenger of God, (PBUH), made room for him (despite the fact that the mosque was not yet full). At this time, an Arab said: Why did you change your place and move, O Messenger of God? The mosque still has space, the Prophet, peace and blessings of God Be upon him, said: «حق علی کل مسلم اذا جاء أخوه أن یتزحزح له» “The right of all Muslims, if a brother comes, it is necessary for every Muslim to make room for his brother when he comes and move away.”
And also in another place, the Prophet of God, (PBUH), says: «لَا یُقِیمُ الرَّجُلُ الرَّجُلَ مِنْ مَقْعَدِهِ، ثُمَّ یَجْلِسُ فِیه وَلَکِنْ تَفَسَّحُوا وَتَوَسَّعُوا»”no one should lift another person from his place so that the other person or himself, let him sit in his place, but make room for others”.
This is the politeness and good manner of the great teacher of humanity; In fact, the Prophet of God, (PBUH), was a true example of modesty, politeness and good taste.
When we see the state of people in mosques and gatherings, it is very sad and they do not pay proper attention to this matter, so that the person who Comes new has not a place to sit, and no one is ready to make room for him.
Another example of politeness and good manner in assemblies is that no one allocates a place for himself in the assembly, does not try to sit at the top of the assembly; If someone guides him or asks him to sit down, then there is no problem for him to sit there; As Jabir bin Samrah, may God be pleased with him, says: «کُنَّا إِذَا أَتَیْنَا النَّبِیَّ صلیاللهعلیهوسلم، جَلَسَ أَحَدُنَا حَیْثُ یَنْتَهِی» “when one of us entered the assembly of prophet , may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, sit at the end of the assembly.”
Another thing that should be brought to the attention of all the loved ones is that whispering (talking softly into each other’s ears) should not be done in the assembly; Because in this case, others will think that he is backbiting or slandering them, or they will think otherwise; Therefore, the demand of good taste and manners is that such performance should not take place in private and limited gatherings; Of course, if the assembly is public and large and people do not think negatively, then there is no problem.
In short, a good-natured Muslim person sits in the assembly and does not stare at the people around him, and he does not move too much in his place, and he avoids doing things that are against good taste and good character, and he does not stand up when everyone is sitting, and when Everyone is standing up, not sitting down. In the same way, he should be firm in his sitting and standing, dignified, calm and neat in appearance. If a person wants to reach the heights of personality and self-esteem, he should consider these things.