Author: Abu Raef
Colonialism (8th part)
Encouraging action and work and avoiding boredom and idleness
The religion of Islam has given special importance to the issue of work, effort and vitality and avoiding boredom and idleness. There are countless verses and hadiths in Islamic sources that encourage the believer to Try, strive and move and prevent him from being unemployed, isolated, and staying at home.
The subject of work and action is the natural law to which Allah (s.w.t) has connected every living thing on earth. Because no living being is without need of it; Therefore, it will not be surprising that this topic is the basic foundation of studying sustenance and this topic is the first foundation in all economic and religious systems.
Allah Almighty has said: «یاأیها الإنسان إنک کادح إلی ربک کدحا فملاقیه» (O human being! You are striving towards your Lord, and you will meet Him in the end.) He says again: «هو الذي جعل لکم الأرض ذلولا فامشوا في مناکبها و کلوا من رزقه و إلیه النشور» (He is the one who tamed the earth for you so that you can walk in its low and high places and eat from the sustenance of Allah and the arousal is only towards Him.) He also said: «هو الذی خلق لکم ما في الأرض جمیعا» He is the one who created for you all that is on earth.
These verses clearly indicate the necessity of effort in obtaining a halal sustenance and activity and warns against laziness, idleness and seclusion.
The fields of action and activity of a Mu’min (believer)
1- The basis of Fruiting
In this context, every item that causes different agricultural use and different animal products is inside.
2- The basis of extraction and exploration
In this context, any action that causes the acquisition of the things that Allah Almighty has created and deposited in a corner of the earth, seas, lands and atmospheres. Such as trying to hunt, using forest trees, extracting gems and land mines, extracting chemical substances, extracting water, oil, coal, sea meat, ornaments, etc.
3- The basis of production and construction
In this context, every case that causes the transformation of the primary body of a thing into different materials, shapes and forms and causes benefits for humans is included.
4- The basis of private or public, religious or worldly services
In this context, Commercial, Administrative, Guidance, Education, Security, Defense, Protection, Transfer, etc. are included.
5- The basis of scientific and technical discussion
This field includes graduation for all kinds of scientific and technical topics that provide the grounds for continuous progress and advancement of the Islamic Ummah.
The mentioned fields are among the most important fields and levels of work that a Muslim and believer should strive for.
6- Transcendental reward of economic activities
Adhering to the principle of receiving rewards in the hereafter from economic activities, with the slogan “The world is the farm of the hereafter”, can be the strongest motivation for healthy economic activities, and is the biggest trend to promote the principle of human compassion and strengthen faith and moral bonds and promote the system of divine justice. Allah Almighty has said: <الذین آمنوا و هاجرو و جاهدوا في سبیل الله بأموالهم و أنفسهم أعظم درجة عندالله و اولئک هم الفائزون> Those who believed and immigrated and tried and fought for the cause of Allah with their lives and wealth, have a higher and greater dignity in the sight of Allah, and they are the saviors, those who reach their goals, and those who are happy in this world and the hereafter.
7-Consonance with healthy human nature
Investigations of the theoretical and behavioral characteristics of the Islamic economic system make it clear that the integration of satisfying the material and spiritual needs of the society, the recognition of the types of restricted ownership and the division of halal and haram in the field of economic activities such as: production, distribution and consumption, observing the principle of paying attention to material and spiritual needs, recognizing the right to choose jobs and goods with moderate limits, interfering in distribution and monitoring and controlling the market, prohibiting usury, hoarding, cheating and cheating with natural tendencies and characteristics of human societies.
It is in perfect harmony and ignoring the above causes numerous anomalies and ugly human and social behaviors. These were brief examples of the features and characteristics of Islamic economy that can ensure the prosperity and economic progress of human societies and create financial balance in the world.
But unfortunately, by turning the economic facts upside down and mocking the economic system of Islam and its financial system, the colonialist countries have made the Islamic generations pessimistic about Islamic teachings and are trying to colonize and dominate the Islamic world.
Dr. “Abdul Rahman Habanka Al Maidani” writes: “By examining the characteristics of Islamic economy, we find that the Islamic system includes countless advantages that economic researchers mention for capitalism and socialism, in addition to the fact that the Islamic economy has atrocious aspects that lead to aggression and enmity. And corruption occurs in the earth, it is free and pure.