Secularism, its history, nature and consequences (6th part)
Distortion of the Bible
Along with the distortion of monotheism, the Christians started to distort another of their religious principles and that was the Bible. There is no doubt that God Almighty revealed only one Bible to Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, which was a supplement to the Torah, and the only book that God Almighty has guaranteed to protect is the Holy Quran, but the rest of the holy books have been protected by their scholars.
The subject of distortion of the Bible became common since the first century AD and more than seventy Bibles were distorted, distributed and published, “Adam Clark” one of the commentators of the Bibles writes: “Undoubtedly, countless and false Gospels were prevalent and published in the first centuries of Christianity.
And this issue and the multitude of incorrect situations motivated “Luke” to write the Gospel, and more than seventy false Gospels are mentioned in it, and countless parts of these Gospels still remain, and “Fabri Seuss” collected the false Gospels. and it has been published in three volumes.
“Gustave Le Bon” says about the Gospels: “They are a collection of illusions and unreal memories that the imagination and thought of their authors have messed with.”
This was the fruit and result of Christianity in its first three centuries. Seventy Bibles, one hundred and twenty apostles, some of them wrote gospels, some wrote treatises, and some of them preached and advised others from their knowledge and reserves. Also, countless sects and sects were established, each of which differed on fundamental matters of great importance.
Distortion of Christian law
The Roman people were divided into several groups regarding the law and religion, the Roman group, which had the highest rank and were somehow colonized by other groups, this group did not have a monotheistic religion and did not have a single philosophy to believe in, rather they were in the darkness of ignorance that They had different colors and angles, they were drowned. This ruling class used to participate in idolatry festivals with the general public and served for divine images. But in fact, he did not believe in anything other than sensual affairs.
But their cultured and educated group was divided into different sections, a group exaggerated Sufism and abstraction, a group were disciples of the “Abquriyya” school who were extreme in the discussion of animality and sensuality, and others were influenced by schools of thought that were influenced by philosophies and idolatry.
The general Roman people, in their nature, were willing to be religious, but the dangerous and bitter battles between gods and philosophers had forced them to stop trusting in religious and philosophical beliefs and turn to their lusts and sexual desires.
In short, the Romans did not accept any religion in a serious way that would take their beliefs, ideas and life system from them.
The Christian religion had also stopped directing and implementing the laws of the Sharia. This religion, which was once rejected and expelled from the government and administration of countries, suddenly took over the governance affairs and the church became the owner of the ruling and command over the people. But in spite of this victory, the church had forgotten the main teachings of Jesus Christ about self-knowledge and leaving the world and considered the government higher than the implementation of Sharia.
The church could try to implement the law after gaining the government, but neither the church had serious faith in guiding the people nor the king was faithful and serious in abandoning idolatry. What caused the unity of the church and the emperor in the field of marginalizing the Sharia from people’s lives was the worldly interest of both sides. When the church could not eradicate the roots of idolatry and hedonism among the people, in the first way, it could not establish their lives based on religion and its values.
The first person who put the issue of giving up and giving up on the implementation of the law in front of belief, tradition and foundation was Saul Paul the Jew.
Brenton writes: “Saul Paul issued a fatwa that the Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans who accept Christianity are exempt from circumcision and being bound by the law.”
With the passage of time, this deviation became the prescribed and determined method that the church trusted and relied on, and it brought a separation between the Sharia and the creed and divided human life into two parts:
the religious life, which is exclusive to Allah the Highest, and the content of monasticism. The sermons and religious rulings were brief and did not play a role in other matters except personal circumstances.
The second part is the worldly part that was specific to Caesar and his law, which included political, economic, social settings, international relations and the order of public life.